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6 tips when submitting your scholarship application

Thinking of applying for a scholarship at UTS? Read this guide on how to ace your application

1. Check your eligibility 

Each scholarship has different eligibility criteria. Make sure you read the eligibility criteria - don't spend time applying for a scholarship you're not eligible for. 

Please review the Conditions of Award for the scholarship you’re interested in for full eligibility details (for example, checking if a scholarship is course specific, open to all majors within your course, or if you have the required academic background/qualification/s). You can find this information, and more, when you look up your scholarship using the UTS scholarship search tool.  

Important: Application closing dates vary for each scholarship and in most cases UTS Scholarships does not grant application extensions. 

2. Don’t double up your applications 

Re-using an application may seem like a great time-saver, but to demonstrate you’re the best candidate you should tailor each application to the scholarship you’re applying for. 

Since many of our scholarships are donor-funded, there’s often an internship, cadetship or work placement in addition to monetary benefits.  

Approach the application as if you’re applying for a job within that organisation. Remember, the selection committee is looking for applicants who have gone the extra mile and have researched the organisation. 

3. Put thought into your application 

Supporting statements and video submissions are like job application selection criteria. The Careers Service has tips on how to address them. If you rush through or don’t answer a question, your application may not adequately reflect your circumstances. 

Remember: the information you provide is used to determine the outcome of your application. 

You must provide all required supporting documents with your application. Your application may not be considered if you do not provide the required documents. 

4. Check, and check again! 

Make sure you proofread your statements,check for spelling and grammatical errors and check the weblink for your video is valid.

Some scholarships do not allow you to edit your answers or retrieve your application once submitted. It’s recommended you save a copy of your application for your own records, before submitting it. 

5. Interview ready 

If you’re invited to attend an interview, make sure you’re: 

  1. Available to attend. In most cases interview times and locations are not flexible. 
  2. Prepared. The selection criteria indicate the type of questions you may be asked. 
  3. Dressed appropriately. It’s better to be a little over-dressed than under-dressed. 

The Careers Service also provides useful tips on interview preparation. 

6. Decision time 

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application after the selection process has been completed. If you’re successful, the UTS Scholarships will contact you by phone and/or email. 

If you’re unsuccessful for a future student scholarship, you may be eligible for a current student scholarship or prize and should apply once you’ve enrolled at UTS. 

If you’re unsuccessful for a current student scholarship, you’re welcome to re-apply each round if you continue to meet the eligibility criteria.