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International applications

Apply to UTS as an international student

It’s time to begin your UTS adventure. Learn about how to apply on this page.

Approved agent

If you need help with your application, contact a UTS-approved agent in your country.

Before you begin your application

If you’re an international student who wants to apply for an undergraduate or postgraduate coursework program, you’re in the right place. 

It’s important to note that there is a different process for applying for:

Before you begin applying, you need to know which course you want to study and when you would like to commence. Search for a course or explore by study area before coming back to this page. Remember to check the admission requirements on the course listing.

When to apply

You can apply to UTS at any time. The closing dates for applications are: 

Autumn session (February/March start)

  • Applicants based outside Australia: 30 November
  • Applicants based in Australia: 15 January
  • Applications for C04300 Master of Clinical Psychology, C04306 Master of Physiotherapy and C04386 Master of Speech Pathology: 31 October 

Spring session (July start)

  • Applicants based outside Australia: 30 April
  • Applicants based in Australia: 31 May

Summer session (November start)

  • Applicants based outside Australia: 30 August
  • Applicants based in Australia: 30 September

Late applications will not be accepted. It is best to apply early to allow yourself plenty of time to organise a student visa, which you need to study in Australia. 

Special application deadlines

  • Application deadline of 31 October 2024 for:
  • C04300 Master of Clinical Psychology
  • C04306 Master of Physiotherapy
  • C04386 Master of Speech Pathology
  • C04374 Master of Genetic Counselling
  • Any applications received after the above deadlines will be deferred to the next available intake.

How to apply

A step-by-step infographic on applying for a UTS coursework degree, highlighting key requirements and submission procedures.

How to apply to UTS as an international student

How to apply to UTS as an international student transcript

How to apply to UTS as an international student video transcript

Thank you for your interest in studying at UTS. This might be your first time applying to study overseas and you may feel overwhelmed with the process. If you are an international student applying for a full degree coursework program, then this step-by-step guide might be just what you’re looking for!

Step one: Select your course and start date

Select the course that you wish to study, as well as the teaching session you wish to start in. You can find out about our courses on the Brochure Downloads page. Here you will find Course Guides for each level of study and the range of courses to choose from. These are updated each year, so be sure to refer to the latest guide.

The UTS course guide also shows the entry requirements for students from different countries. To help bridge the gap between different academic systems and curriculums, UTS also offers pathway programmes at the foundational, diploma, or pre-master’s level. Visit the UTS College website for more details. You may apply to UTS at any time, but please be mindful of the closing date for each teaching session.

For more information on this, please check out the link in the description.

Step two: Complete the application form

There are two ways to complete the application form:

Follow the instructions to apply directly through UTS’s online application system, or

Download and fill in an application form.

An incomplete application will result in delays in processing, so please double-check that you have submitted all the required documents!

Remember, you can also apply through a UTS representative agent – we have agents all around the world.  To find your closest agent, check out our “Find an agent” page – linked in the description!

Step three: Prepare your supporting documents

Each course may require different documentation, so please check what you need before you apply. This may include your academic records and statement of completion, evidence of English language proficiency, or references from your employer. You may submit scanned copies online; however, if your application is successful, you will need to post a certified hardcopy of the original documents to UTS International. If you’re applying through an agent, you can also ask for their help with certifying the document.

Step four: Submit your application and pay the application fee

You can pay your application fee via PayPal, cheque or bank draft, or via our secure payment site. Please note that PayPal can only be used for your application process and is unavailable for other types of payments you make after your application.

If you apply online, follow the steps, attach any supporting documents, and submit your application. If you downloaded and completed an application form, submit your application in person to the UTS International office, by mail, to a UTS agent, or to a UTS representative. Check out the descriptions for more details.

An incomplete application will result in delays in processing, so please double check that you have submitted all the required documents. Please refer to the checklist section of the application form to ensure you have provided all supporting documents with your application.

After you submit your application

Once you have lodged your application, including all your supporting documents, and paid your application fee, you will receive your UTS application number. Keep it safe as you’ll need to refer to in any future correspondence with UTS International.

The application process usually takes between one and two weeks. Once your application has been assessed, UTS International will contact you about your application outcome by email. If you wish to accept your offer, you will need to complete and return the acceptance form. Watch our “How to Accept your Offer” video for a step-by-step guide!

Let us know if you have further questions about the application process. We look forward to receiving your application!

Don’t meet the entry requirements for UTS?

UTS College offers academic and English courses designed to get you into the UTS course you want.