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Real-world impact

UTS research delivers real-world impact that makes a difference to the world we live in. Our leading researchers work at the intersection of technology and creativity, pushing the frontiers of disciplines including artificial intelligence, biomedical science and design.

Find out about how UTS researchers work together to achieve impact for our partners and communities.

Title still for YouTube video called UTS Research: Working together for impact.

Fang Chen: Because we’re young and vibrant, we probably have less rigid processes or thinking patterns to say we have to follow x, y and z. But we say we solved it by getting it done. 
Ramona Vijeyarasa: So we don’t get bogged down in the books and the cases and the journal articles, but we take those ideas off the pages and we try to make sure that those messages have real world impact and bring about social change. 
Peter Ralph: We don’t work in silos. At UTS, we’re able to move between different disciplines and find the really exciting gold and exploit that for industry and government’s purposes. 
Ramona Vijeyarasa: At UTS when people are open-minded to work outside their own discipline, that’s when collaboration is at its best. 
Fang Chen: UTS is focussed very much on industry partnerships because those are the avenues for us to deliver impact to the society. 
Peter Ralph: Some of the characteristics of research at UTS is our ability to be agile. We can adapt and change and we work really closely with industry. By working with industry it allows us to actually transform society and have great impact.

Our research is recognised

We work, unconstrained by tradition, to deliver solutions for our partners, create knowledge with our students and make meaningful changes in our community.

  • lab_research

    Research quality


    in Australia for research quality

    Times Higher Education World Rankings 2024

  • experiment

    Research impact


    in Australia for research impact, with 80% of research areas rated high impact

    ARC Engagement and Impact for Australia, 2018

  • crowdsource



    in Australia for environmental sustainability

    Times Higher Education Impact Rankings 2025

Research areas

Business and law

Our research in business and law examines how these disciplines shape society through influencing decision-making in the global economy. Through combining expertise with creative thinking, we develop practical solutions to the challenges facing business, governments and the community.

Health and science

Our health and science research advances knowledge and improves outcomes in the medical and scientific fields. By combining leading science with practical application, we address critical health challenges and pioneer future solutions.

Politics and society

Our politics and society research examine the issues affecting governance, public policy, and social change. We examine the challengers faced by communities locally and internationally, offering insights and solutions that help build an equitable and just society.


Our research creates lasting impact by addressing the complex challenges presented by sustainability.

Technology and design

Our technology and design research develops innovative solutions to the challenges of the modern world. Through an interdisciplinary approach combining state-of-the-art technology and creative thinking, we produce systems, products and experiences that enhance our community.

Our research facilities

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Meet our researchers

Our researchers' innovative work is addressing today’s challenges and creating meaningful change.

Fang Chen

Exec Director, Data Sci Institute & Distinguished Professor

The Data Science Institute

Emma Camp

Senior Lecturer

Climate Change Cluster

Jiao Jiao Li

Senior Lecturer

School of Biomedical Engineering

Peter Ralph


Climate Change Cluster

Sarath Kodagoda

Director, UTS RI

Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology

Jie Lu

Laureate Fellow

Faculty of Engineering & Information Technology

Jay Guo

Distinguished Professor

School of Electrical and Data Engineering

Simon Darcy


Management Discipline Group

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News and case studies

Learn how our research is delivering impactful change. 


UTS secures its place in world top 100 rankings

UTS has achieved a new high in the QS World University Ranking, climbing to 88th in the world.


Being ready for the worst

Before being confronted with the reality of a disaster, police and emergency services need to be prepared as well as they can be under realistic conditions, an important role for the University of Technology Sydney’s Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research, or AFTER.


Stem cell “magic potion” with promise

Biomedical engineer Dr Jiao Jiao Li is using the healing powers of stem cells to treat chronic diseases.


Plug-in vaccine designed to halt Alzheimer’s in its tracks

A UTS-led research team has unlocked $1.4 million in funding to develop vaccines to combat Alzheimer’s disease, based on ground-breaking ‘plug-and-play’ nanotechnology.


How to create more First Nations jobs in clean energy

Done well, the renewable energy transition should improve the lives of First Nations Australians.


UTS secures its place in world top 100 rankings

UTS has achieved a new high in the QS World University Ranking, climbing to 88th in the world.


Stem cell “magic potion” with promise

Biomedical engineer Dr Jiao Jiao Li is using the healing powers of stem cells to treat chronic diseases.


Being ready for the worst

Before being confronted with the reality of a disaster, police and emergency services need to be prepared as well as they can be under realistic conditions, an important role for the University of Technology Sydney’s Australian Facility for Taphonomic Experimental Research, or AFTER.


Plug-in vaccine designed to halt Alzheimer’s in its tracks

A UTS-led research team has unlocked $1.4 million in funding to develop vaccines to combat Alzheimer’s disease, based on ground-breaking ‘plug-and-play’ nanotechnology.

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