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Submit an application for a PhD or Research Masters

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Track and update anytime

Research is complex.  Applying for a research degree doesn't have to be

Follow the steps below to prepare your application.  You can submit your application anytime, but if you're applying for a competitive scholarship, make sure you know the closing date.

Application process

Before you apply

To be able to apply for a research degree, you need to have:

Step 1: Find your research topic

UTS research delivers real-world impact that makes a difference to the world we live in.  What problem will you tackle?  

Step 2: Plan your degree

Check the details and create a plan that's right for you.

Step 3: Prepare your application

Submitting your application is easier if you've prepared everything in advance.

What to expect in the application form

If you have prepared your documents, the application form will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. 

In the application form, you’ll be asked to provide proof that you:

You’ll also be asked if:

Once you register an account for the UTS Student Portal, you can save and complete your application at any time. 

How to submit your application

  1. Use Google Chrome as your internet browser.
  2. Register a Future Student account in the UTS Student Portal.
  3. Activate your account by clicking the link in the verification email.
  4. Set up multifactor authentication when prompted.
  5. Once you’re logged in, select Apply for a course.
  6. Choose Higher degree research.
  7. Follow the prompts to complete your application and submit all documents.

Submit now

After you apply

We'll send you an email to confirm that we’ve received your application.

If you're an international student, we may contact you to complete checks for your student visa. In this case we'll connect you with an authorised agent to help.

How we'll notify you of the outcome

You’ll receive an email confirming the outcome of your application. While this process usually takes 12 weeks, factors out of our control may delay a decision.

Accepted applications

If your application has been accepted, you’ll receive a letter of offer via email. It will include:

  • your suggested start date
  • your UTS student number
  • your scholarship status, and
  • information on how to accept your offer.

Additionally, international students will receive:

  • a confirmation of enrolment (CoE) that you can use to apply for an visa, and
  • forms that you need to fill out and return to accept your offer.

How to accept your offer

Declined applications

If your application has been declined and you would like feedback, contact the faculty or institute you applied to.

Track & update your application

The UTS Student Portal is your main source of information during this time.

In the portal you can:

  • track the progress of your application, and
  • add supporting documentation.