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Cross-institutional study applications

Enrolling in subjects, for credit, as a non-UTS student

If you aren't a UTS student, you may be able to enrol in a UTS subject and receive credit towards your degree.

Learn more about the process, requirements and benefits of cross-institutional study.

What is cross-institutional study?

If you are not a UTS student, cross-institutional study allows you to enrol in UTS subjects and receive credit for them towards your course.

Reasons that students undertake cross-institutional study include:

  • their home university does not offer the subject
  • fixing a timetabling clash
  • wanting to learn from specific UTS teaching staff.

How can I apply for cross-institutional study?

Applications for cross-institutional study are open.

Domestic students can apply for Summer session 2024. The closing date for applications is 3 November.

International students can apply for Autumn and Spring sessions. The closing dates are 15 December for Autumn and 31 May for Spring.

Domestic students

If you’d like to apply for cross-institutional study as a domestic student, you’ll be required to submit:

  • your home institution's written confirmation that the subject(s) applied for will be credited towards your degree
  • evidence of your current fee status at your home institution (CSP or Domestic Fee Paying)
  • a copy of your academic transcript.

Applications are made through My Student Portal

International students

To apply for cross-institutional study as an international student, you will need to include the following with your application:

  • a letter from your home institution approving that you are eligible to undertake cross-institutional study
  • a certified copy of your most recent academic transcript.

Depending on your level of previous study, you can apply using a hardcopy of either the:

Please include the UTS subject code and UTS subject name, available in the UTS Handbook, on the application form under Course Preferences.

Please send your complete application to

What are the fees for cross-institutional study?

Domestic students

You may be eligible for HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP depending on whether you have a CSP or DFEE place and meet the citizenship and/or residency requirements.

More information is available on the domestic undergraduate student fees page.

International students

To learn about subject fees for international students, visit international student tuition fees.

For more information

If you have questions about subject choices and availabilities, contact the UTS Student Centre.

If you need help completing your application, visit Ask UTS for support online, in-person, or over the phone.