Living Allowance - $37,000 per annum, tax-free
Up to 3.5 years (PhD), 2 years (MRes)
15/01/2024Quick Links
The UTS President's scholarship (UTSP) is provided by the University of Technology Sydney to international Higher Degree Research students who demonstrate exceptional research potential. UTSPs are provided to assist with students' general living costs. The UTSP scholarship is not transferable to another institution.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the UTSP, a student must:
- be an overseas student as defined in the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth); and
- purchase and maintain a standard OSHC policy approved by the Commonwealth government Department of Health and Ageing; and
- be commencing full-time enrolment in a Higher Degree by Research (HDR) at UTS (UTSPs are not available to applicants whose enrolment into a postgraduate research program has not been accepted by the University);
- be undertaking study in a subject area identified by the University as one of its areas of research concentration; and
- not have completed a degree at the same or higher level as the proposed candidature; and
- not previously have held an Australian Government-funded postgraduate research scholarship, unless it was terminated within six months of the scholarship payments commencing; and
- not be receiving an equivalent award, scholarship (excluding an IPRS) or salary providing a benefit greater than 75% of the UTSP stipend rate to undertake the HDR. Income earned from sources unrelated to the course of study is not subject to the 75% rule.
Applicants should ensure that they submit their completed application, including all required supporting documentation, by the relevant application deadline. Incomplete and late applications will not be considered.
Applications closed
Applications are due 15 January 2024.
Need more information? Contact...
UTS Graduate Research School
New research students: UTS Future Research Students
Currently enrolled research students: UTS Current Research Students
Other information
Applicants for the International Research Training Program Scholarship (IRTP) will automatically also be considered for this scholarship (UTSP).
There is no separate Application Form for IRTP, IRS, and UTSP scholarships for prospective students. Completing one form will mean that you are considered for all associated scholarships.