Tuition Fees + Student Services & Amenities Fees. A stipend will be provided if funding is available.
Standard Duration of UTS Course
02/12/2024Quick Links
The UTS Humanitarian Scholarship has been established to support undergraduate studies for students holding asylum seeker bridging or temporary protection visas as a result of their arrival to Australia as asylum seekers or humanitarian entrants.
The UTS Humanitarian Scholarship program underscores a university-wide commitment to provide Scholarships across all UTS faculties that offer undergraduate degrees to asylum seekers unable to access Commonwealth Supported places or government loan schemes.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Scholarship, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria:
- Have temporary asylum seeker or refugee residence status and hold a Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785), or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (subclass 790), Bridging Visa A - E and has made an application for a Protection Visa [1] or Temporary Humanitarian Concern Visa (subclass 786),
- Be able to demonstrate that they do not have the financial means to support payment of their tuition fees without receiving the Scholarship; and
- Have applied and been deemed eligible for admission to a UTS undergraduate degree or UTS postgraduate degree; and
- Apply and commence at UTS in the next available intake for the course after completion of their study used as their basis of admission; and
- Be intending to enrol full-time; and
- All candidates must apply and complete the UTS online Scholarships Application; and
- All candidates must be available to attend an interview, if required.
[1] Applicants holding an Australian Bridging Visa A - E will be required to provide a statement and/or letter from a community organisation verifying the applicant’s experience of an asylum-seeker.
Selection process
- Academic Merit based on ATAR, UTS College Diploma GPA, U@Uni Academy Completion, or equivalent result; and
- As demonstrated in the Scholarship application (and interview if required): Motivation to succeed in the chosen degree program
- Circumstances impacting the applicant’s ability to support themselves financially and how receipt of the Scholarship will assist their academic success; and
- Preference will be given to undergraduate applicants who have not commenced or completed an undergraduate degree in Australia.
Applications closed
Applications for the UTS Humanitarian Scholarship are currently closed. Scholarships for the following year will progressively open from the end of August. If you have any queries regarding this scholarship please email UTS Scholarships.
Information on How to Apply will be available during the application period.
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UTS Scholarships
Other information
- A maximum of twenty-six (26)[1] recipients will be awarded the Scholarship subject to the available funding pool each year. Of these:
- Twenty (20) are reserved for students commencing a UTS undergraduate degree and have temporary asylum seeker or refugee residence status and hold a Bridging Visa A - E (and has made an application for a Protection Visa), or Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785), or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (subclass 790).[2]
- Four (4) are reserved for students commencing a UTS undergraduate degree and have a temporary humanitarian concern visa (subclass 786).
- Two (2) are reserved for students commencing a UTS postgraduate degree and have a temporary humanitarian concern visa (subclass 786) or Bridging Visa A - E (and has made an application for a Protection Visa), or Temporary Protection Visa (subclass 785), or Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (subclass 790).
- This number includes students that have a guaranteed Scholarship place after successful completion of UTS College studies and students identified as eligible through the UTS U@Uni Academy pathway.
[1] If reserved places are not awarded, the Selection Committee reserves the right to redistribute scholarship places to eligible candidates. This decision aims to ensure that all available scholarships are awarded to qualifying individuals. The decision to redistribute scholarship places will be made at the discretion of the Selection Committee.
[2] In response to the ongoing Palestine-Israel humanitarian crisis four (4) additional scholarship places have been established for asylum seekers from the region pursuing education in Australia.