The Prize was created to honour Alan Chappel on his retirement from the Faculty’s Industry Advisory Network (IAN) and to recognise outstanding and innovative achievement in an engineering Capstone Project. Alan Chappel is an expert in tunnel design and construction and was the NSW Manager of Connell Wagner until his retirement. He was one of the founding members of the IAN and a generous supporter of the Faculty.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Prize, Recipients must:
- have completed 41030 Engineering Capstone, or 48006 Capstone Project, or 48012 Capstone Project or 48026 Capstone Project Part B in the relevant academic year prior to the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology prize-giving event, and
- achieved a minimum of a Distinction for their Capstone Student Presentation, and
- be nominated by their School to present their Engineering Capstone Project at the Dean’s Capstone Presentation Night. Nominated students are considered to be “Capstone Finalists”.
Selection process
The Recipient will be selected by the Prize Committee, which will consist of the Dean (or nominee) (Chair) plus a minimum of two other people with at least one UTS staff member. Industry representatives may also be included in the Prize Committee.
Two (2) Recipients will be awarded the Prize each year, usually one in Autumn and one in Spring.
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FEIT Teaching and Learning
+61 (02) 9514 2372