The Endeavour Cheung Kong Student Exchange Program is a unique program supported by the Australian government and the Cheung Kong Group to support student exchange between Australia and Asian partner universities. For more details about scholarships, please visit
Who is eligible?
- Students who are Australian citizens or permanent residents
- Undergraduate and postgraduate students
- Students who will study in China in the UTS Spring semester 2018 or the UTS Autumn semester in 2019.
Selection process
UTS International will assess all applications.
Grant allocations will be based on academic merit as determined by students' weighted average mark in their current UTS degree at the time of assessment.
Applications closed
You do not need to apply for the grant as you will be considered automatically if you apply to go on exchange to one of the applicable countries.
For information on the application process and the full timeline, visit the Global Exchange website.
Need more information? Contact...
UTS International
Building 1, Level 3
Phone: + 61 2 9514 7842
Study Abroad and Exchange Team
UTS: International
Phone: +61 2 9514 1546
Email: studyabroad.exchange@uts.edu.au