$10,000 + Certificate
04/04/2019Quick Links
The Prize for Excellence in Doctoral Accounting Thesis is an annual Prize provided for a thesis judged as of most relevance to accounting practice and regulation.
The purpose of the prize is to assist the timely completion of a full-time candidate’s doctoral thesis by reducing his/her customary casual teaching. The prize will be awarded to a student that has completed Stage Two in the prior year.
Please read the Conditions of Award for full details of the Prize.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Prize, a candidate must meet all of the following criteria:
- Successfully completed Stage Two in the prior year and is moving to Stage Three of an Accounting doctoral award in the year of the selection of the Prize.
- Must have submitted and received satisfactory progress in all half year reports.
- Must not have had any prior doctoral submission in this subject.
- Be a full-time student.
Selection process
The Prize will be awarded to the student who has best demonstrated the importance of the accounting issue examined by the thesis and the potential for the findings to have an impact on accounting practice in corporations, or advice to regulators or assistance to practitioners.
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UTS Business School