A guide to using the scholarship search tool
The scholarship search tool helps you search for available scholarships at UTS. Results will include a description and provide details on value, duration, eligibility, selection process, conditions of award and how to apply.
Filtering your search
You can easily filter your search according to the course area you’re interested in (for example, Business, Science, Law, Arts) and/or eligibility criteria (such as academic merit or financial hardship).
Click “Search Scholarships” without selecting any search criteria for a comprehensive list of all scholarships at UTS. You can then narrow your search by using a keyword.
Key terms
An understanding of some of the key terms used in the scholarship search tool can help you to refine your search.
Current Students are students currently studying at UTS.
Future students are students who have yet to commence studying at UTS.
Academic excellence or merit-based scholarships may be awarded based on high school, TAFE or university results.
Equity scholarships are designed to provide financial support either via cash payments or tuition fee payments to students who are facing barriers to their study or have specific attributes. Students would demonstrate evidence of these barriers or attributes by submitting a UAC Equity Scholarship application.
To learn more about Equity scholarships and whether you’re eligible, please view our FAQ at the bottom of this page.
If you need any help finding information or would like to discuss your application, email our scholarships team.