- The value of the prize to the Recipient is $1,000
- One (1) year free membership to the Zonta Club of Sydney Inc.
- The Recipient will receive a UTS Certificate of Award
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The Prize is an agreement between Zonta Club of Sydney Inc and UTS to encourage female identifying students to aspire to academic excellence in the Master of Business Administration and to leadership roles in their business career.
Who is eligible?
- Be Female identifying; and
- Have completed one of the following courses in the year prior to which the award is made.
- Master of Business Administration (C04018); or
- Juris Doctor Master of Business Administration (C04250)
- Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration (C04274)
- Master of International Commercial and Business Law Master of Business Administration (C04433)
Master of Science Master of Business Administration (C04448)
- Be identified by Progressions, Referral, Conferral (PRC), Student Administration as having one of the top ten (10) Weighted Average Marks (WAM) in the Master of Business Administration in the conferral period prior to award.
- Invited to submit an application including- an Academic Transcript, Curriculum Vitae (maximum three (3) pages), and a personal statement (maximum two (2) pages) addressing the selection criteria in Clause 5.
- Be available to attend an interview (in person or online)
Selection process
- Eligible candidates will be presented to the Selection Committee which will undertake shortlisting of the top candidates to proceed to interview (approximately three (3) to four (4) applicants).
- The Recipient of the Prize will be determined by a Selection Committee comprising of the Dean of the UTS Business School (or nominee), and the Master of Business Administration, Program Director with a minimum of two UTS staff members participating in the Selection Committee. Representatives of the Zonta Club will be invited to participate.
- The Committee will award the recipient based on the Selection Criteria
- Academic Merit (WAM)
- As demonstrated in the application and interview:
- Performance in the course outside of formal assessment that demonstrates mastery of and engagement in the program. This is to be shown through applicant's CV and personal statement in line with engagement within the program and through extra-curricular activities
- Career aspirations and interest in seeking out leadership opportunities throughout their career; and
- Contribution and motivation in advancing the status of women to pursue leadership positions.
- The proposed Recipient will then be formally approved or declined by the Chair, UTS Business School Faculty Board.