+ access to field work expenses fund and competitive conference grant funds
3 years
UTS is offering a stipend through its Research Training Program Scholarships (RTPS) for a doctoral student interested in beginning a doctorate in August 2018 on the following topic: Mentoring of women in engineering and IT.
The project would be jointly supported by supervisors from the UTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Research Centre for STEM Education Futures and the UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT.
Possible projects could explore the conditions that impact the persistence and success of women in STEM education and workplaces, with a focus on minority women, or women in Engineering and IT at the undergraduate, post graduate and early career stages. Related areas of research will also be considered.
Who is eligible?
This scholarship is for domestic students doctoral student interested in beginning a doctorate degree in August 2018.
Selection process
Interested applicants should contact the supervisors Associate Professor Wan Ng ( and/or Associate Professor Natalie Lloyd ( in the first instance for further information.
Need more information? Contact...
Please contact Wan Ng ( and Natalie Lloyd ( to discuss your proposal.