Your previous studies could count towards your law degree at UTS. Find out if you qualify for recognition of prior learning.
For UTS Law courses, recognition of prior learning (RPL) based on previous studies may be granted in the form of subject exemptions. RPL is not granted based on work experience or TAFE studies.
Undergraduate RPL
The following documents are required to support your RPL application:
- a completed UTS RPL application form
- a certified copy of your academic transcript
- a detailed subject outline i.e. indicating the contact hours per week, coverage of the subject, topics discussed per week, assessment structure, reference and reading materials. The subject outline should be current at the time of the subject being studied.
Law undergraduate RPL rules can be found on the UTS Handbook.
Postgraduate RPL
The following documents are required to support your RPL application:
- a completed UTS RPL application form
- a certified copy of your academic transcript
- a detailed subject outline i.e. indicating the contact hours per week, coverage of the subject, topics discussed per week, assessment structure, reference and reading materials. The subject outline should be current at the time of the subject being studied.
Can I get credit for subjects previously completed at UTS?
Yes. You will need to submit a completed UTS RPL application form.
You do not need to submit a certified copy of your academic transcript.
When to apply
You should lodge your RPL application when accepting your offer, and prior to your enrolment. If your RPL is not approved and recorded on your study plan, you will encounter delays with enrolment.
Allow 4-6 weeks for processing and assessment from the time of submitting your application.
Law postgraduate coursework and research RPL rules can be found on the UTS Handbook.
How to apply
To apply, use the recognition of prior learning application form (PDF, 404kB).
All applications for RPL for UTS Law courses are handled through the Student Centre.
If you’re a current student studying with the Faculty of Law, you can contact the Student Centre.
If you aren't a current student and are applying for RPL, you can submit your questions via ASK UTS enquiry.