The following information is for students intending to apply for the Equal Access Scholarship.
Equal Access Scholarships are awarded to students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those who receive Centrelink income support payments such as ABSTUDY, Austudy, Youth Allowance, Newstart Allowance, Disability Support Pension, Parenting Payment (Single) or the Carer Payment.
Scholarships are available to undergraduate, postgraduate and research students.
UTS also offer Commonwealth scholarships for Indigenous students as part of the Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) funded by the Australian Government: the Indigenous Education Costs Scholarship and the Indigenous Relocation and Accommodation Scholarship. Indigenous students can apply by submiting a UAC Equity Scholarship application. Selection is based on financial need with priority given to applicants who demonstrate multiple educational barriers in their application.
If you are a recipient of the Equal Access Scholarship, please visit the Equal Access Scholarship recipients page for further details and information.
How to apply
For full details including eligibility, how to apply and important dates please visit the Equal Access Scholarship page on the UTS Scholarships website.
Selection process
UTS awards the Equal Access Scholarship on a relative needs basis. The amount of the scholarship is determined each year by the Scholarship Selection Committee considering the funding available and the cohort of applicants. This means applicants who received the scholarship in a previous year may not necessarily be successful the following year, and an applicant who received a certain amount of funding may not receive the same amount the following year.
While selection is determined on a relative needs basis, priority is given to applicants who are able to demonstrate multiple educational barriers in addition to financial hardship via the UAC Equity Scholarship application. These educational barriers include:
- Regional or remote background
- Sole parent responsibilities
- Carer responsibilities
- Long-term medical condition / disability or ongoing effect of abuse
- Indigenous Australian
- Refugee status
Updating your UAC Equity Scholarship application
In order to assist as many students as possible, UTS continues to make offers for Equal Access Scholarships throughout the year. During the academic year your circumstances may change from when you first submitted your UAC Equity Scholarship application.
To ensure that UTS can make scholarship offers based on the most accurate reflection of your current situation, students must make sure that they continue to keep their UAC Equity Scholarship application up-to-date.
A change in your situation could make a difference in your eligibility for a scholarship and/or the amount you are eligible for. For example:
- you receive the Centrelink benefit you previously indicated you were expecting to receive; or
- you start receiving a Centrelink benefit that you previously did not include on your application; or
- you believe you now qualify for another educational barrier or disadvantage; or
- you now have additional documentation supplementing an educational barrier or disadvantage that you believe affects your eligibility.
Please submit the supporting documentation to UAC as soon as possible as this may affect your eligibility for an Equity Scholarship. Go to UAC Applicant Services (opens an external site) to download your document package which outlines the required documentation you need to submit.
Notification of outcome
Successful applicants will be notified via email by UAC or UTS with the details of their Equal Access Scholarship offer.
Why haven’t I received an offer?
Not receiving an offer or receiving a lower amount than in a previous year means that there are other applicants who have been assessed as being in greater financial need.
UTS provides over 600 Equal Access Scholarship offers ever year so if you are unsuccessful in one offer round, you may still be eligible for an offer in a subsequent offer round during the year (provided funding is available). It is important to ensure your UAC Equity Scholarship application accurately reflects your current situation (see “Updating your UAC equity scholarship application” above).
UTS Exceptions:
If you fall into one of the following categories, you may be eligible for a Equal Access Scholarship via a confirmed alternative financial assessment:
- You are experiencing financial disadvantage but are not eligible to receive a Centrelink benefit; or
- You are an Indigenous Australian student receiving a Cadetship payment.
Please make an appointment with UTS Financial Assistance Service at the Student Services Unit to support your application.
Additionally, if you are a Temporary Protection Visa holder, please make yourself known to the Centre for Social Justice and Inclusion.
Please note: all applicants must still submit an UAC Equity Scholarship application even if pursuing an alternative assessment listed above.
Payment dates
Payment of the Equal Access Scholarship (subject to meeting ongoing eligibility criteria) is scheduled for:
- Autumn session: 27 March 2025
- Spring session: 28 August 2025