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Payment information

As a UTS student you are responsible for your own fees, charges and debts related to your enrolment. A variety of payment methods are available for tuition fee payments.

Please read the essential information about:

Responsibility cannot be transferred to another party unless an approved scholarship or another payment arrangement has been agreed to by the university. Even if a third party is paying your fees, it is up to you to make sure they are paid by the due date. Please take note of the due date as late payment may incur a late payment fee.


The eInvoice feature in My Student Admin allows you to access your UTS fees tax invoice. Once you have logged in, follow the prompts under the Invoice tab and a current invoice will be sent to your UTS Webmail account

You are responsible for obtaining your own eInvoice. UTS no longer mails out paper invoices. 

Your tax invoice indicates your formal subject enrolment as at the date the tax invoice was created. Please check it to make sure it is correct. If you have added or changed subjects, a new tax invoice is required. You can request an amended e-Invoice and any changes will be reflected within 1-2 working days.

Invoices only display current and overdue debt.

If you have paid your fees, your invoice will display a message confirming this without listing individual subjects and fees.

You need to keep your own copies of your tax invoices for each teaching periods if you want a formal record of them.

If you require a tax invoice for a future teaching period, these will be available approximately:

  • 6-8 weeks prior to the due date for Primary sessions, and
  • 4-6 weeks prior to the due date for short sessions.

International Students

Separate information is provided for international students on payment of tuition fees.

Student and related rules: