UTS accepts multiple methods of payment for student fees including BPAY, Billpay, Australia Post, mail and electronic funds transfer.
Contact your bank or financial institution to make this a telephone or internet banking payment from your cheque, savings, debit, credit card or transaction account. More info: www.bpay.com.au
Your Customer Reference number is the Tax Invoice Number located at the top right hand corner of the tax invoice.
For further information about BPay on their website (opens an external site).
UTS biller Code: 747071
Australia Post
Your Australia Post reference number is the tax invoice number located at the top right hand corner of the front of the tax invoice. (Note: You cannot make payments in person at UTS)
Phone 13 18 16 or go to postbillpay.com.au (opens an external site).
The service accepts Mastercard or Visa unfortunately it does not accept Bankcard or Diners cards. American Express is accepted by Australia Post only if payment is made by phone or internet.
UTS Billpay code: 2038
In person at an Australia Post office
Payments can be made at any Australia Post office on presentation of a current tax invoice relating to the payment being made.
Cheque payment should be made payable to University of Technology Sydney and submit in person at any Australia Post office together with a copy of a current tax invoice. Please ensure your name and student number are written on the back of the cheque.
Bank drafts issued outside of Australia must be endorsed to or drawn on an Australian Bank and in Australian Dollars.
International Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
You can make an online payment from your home country by international Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) using a third party, Flywire. If you use this service you will need to accept Flywire’s terms and conditions.
To make a payment using Flywire:
- You will need your Tax Invoice Number - this 19-digit number is located at the top right hand corner of the tax invoice.
- Go to http://uts.flywire.com/ (opens an external site) and select the ‘Start your payment’ option next to ‘Continuing Student’.
For further information on how to use Flywire please visit Flywire Help (opens an external site).