Your tax invoice is generally available to be requested online via MyStudentAdmin 3-4 weeks prior to the session starts. You will receive a detailed email in your UTS Student email account when your e-Invoice is ready.
The tax invoice lists your enrolment, outstanding fees, payment due dates, census dates and the payment options. You may find different due dates and census dates if you are enrolled and invoiced for more than one session. Any fees which are fully paid will not appear on the tax invoice.
Any changes to your study plan will be reflected on your invoice after 24 hours (excluding weekend). You will need to wait for one working day before generating a new tax invoice.
A complete listing of all tuition fees payment due dates is available. International students' tuition fee payments not received by the due date will attract a $200 Late Payment Fee.
Further Help ?
If you are experiencing financial difficulty you may also wish to seek advice from the financial assistance service.
Cancellation of Enrolment due to non-payment
It is a requirement of your student visa that you have sufficient funds to support yourself and to pay for your studies in Australia.
If you have not paid your tuition fees by the required date your UTS enrolment will be subject to cancellation. If your enrolment is cancelled, the university is required by law to notify the Department of Home Affairs for their further action.
If your enrolment is subject to cancellation, UTS will advise you of this intention in writing and will provide you with instructions and information on the formal appeal period and process.
Payment by International Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
You can make an online payment from your home country by international Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) using third party, Flywire. If you use this service you will need to accept Flywire’s terms and conditions.
To make a payment using Flywire:
- You will need your Tax Invoice Number - this 19-digit number is located at the top right hand corner of your tax invoice.
- Go to (opens an external site) and select the ‘Start your payment’ option next to ‘Continuing Student’.
For further information on how to use Flywire Transfer please visit Flywire Help (opens an external site).
All other payment methods are listed on the 'How to Pay' attachment that you will receive with your invoice and on the Payment Methods.
It is not possible to make payment through any of the UTS student centres on campus.