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Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF)

The money you contribute via the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) goes towards services, activities and amenities you can use everyday at UTS to help you have the best student experience possible. SSAF is brought to you, by you — so discover how you can make the most of your contribution with this handy directory of SSAF initiatives.

Directory of SSAF initiatives

Academic support  | Admin, courses and enrolment  | Financial assistance  | Fun, community and volunteering  | Health and wellbeing  | Professional skills and careers 

This is a digital badge that says Brought to you, by you. This is a Student Services and Amenities Fee initiative.

Look out for the 'Brought to you, by you' badges online and on campus so you can take advantage of SSAF initiatives.

Academic support 

Academic English language support. Your academic English language needs are identified and supported so you are better equipped to succeed at university-level study with Online Post-Enrolment Language Assessment (OPELA) and Embedding English Language (EEL).

Feedback on draft assignments. Email your assessment draft and get individualised feedback on your academic writing via email with HELPS online writing reviews.

One-to-one assignment consultations. Meet with an academic literacy skills advisor for one-on-one assignment support and feedback with HELPS Assignment Chat and one-to-one consultations.

Peer-assisted learning. Get peer-assisted help with subjects that are perceived as difficult or historically have a high failure rate with U:PASS.

Study skills workshops. Take advantage of free workshops to help you with your writing, public speaking and assessments with HELPS study skills workshops.

Subject related tutoring. Connect with a high-achieving student for affordable and private subject-related peer tutoring with Peer Tutoring.

Admin, courses and enrolment

Advice and advocacy. Get confidential advice, assistance and support in academic, course and misconduct matters from the Student Advocacy Service.

Financial assistance

Study equipment. If you're from a low SES background and meet criteria, get a new laptop and/or money transfer for study-related software, textbooks or small equity grants from the Financial Assistance Service.

Fun, community and volunteering

Discover Sydney. Meet like-minded friends and take part in unique experiences all over the city with Discover Sydney.

Orientation to UTS programs. Information, events and programs to help you transition to university life with Orientation.

Orientation coach. Get personalised support to settle into studying at UTS with a coach who is a current student or recent graduate with the First BASE Program.

Social and community events. Immerse yourself in UTS campus life with O'Day, Pride Week, Wellbeing Week and more with ActivateUTS events.

Social clubs and societies. Discover a community of over 180 clubs and societies and connect with students with similar interests to you with ActivateUTS clubs.

Social clubs and societies events. Dive into student-led events for unique socialising, networking and spirited experiences with ActivateUTS Clubs events.

Student collectives. Join one or more of these vibrant groups to collaborate for positive change within the university and the broader community with UTSSA Collectives.

Student media. Experience diverse perspectives and innovative online and offline content (you could also be published, with submissions welcome from all students!) with Vertigo publications.

Student spaces. Explore student spaces, including gaming areas, bars and the Hideout with Building 1, level 3 student spaces.

Volunteering opportunities. Make an impact campus life by volunteering with Lenny’s Mates or as a Wellbeing Rep with the ActivateUTS Volunteering Program.

Health and wellbeing

Budget-friendly hot meals. Enjoy $5.50 student lunch specials 12-2pm every weekday at The Terrace. Available while stocks last.

Discounted student meals. Access affordable dining options at all ActivateUTS venues across campus.

Fitness for women. Join empowering programs for fitness and community in a supportive environment with the Women in Sport Program.

Free breakfast. Grab a free, nutritious breakfast between 8-10am Tuesdays and Wednesdays during session with Bluebird Brekkie.

Free dinner. Get a free, nutritious dinner between 5-7pm Tuesdays and Thursdays during session with Night-Owl Noodles.

Free food items. Get 5 free items of food every week from the grocery store-like pantry with the Bluebird Pantry.

Gym and fitness. Enjoy discounted access to gym facilities and fitness programs with ActivateFit.Gym.

One-to-one counselling. Receive free and confidential counselling to help with personal, psychological, study related and administrative difficulties with UTS Counselling Service (several languages supported).

One-to-one counselling for offshore students. Receive free and confidential counselling to help with personal, psychological, study related and administrative difficulties with Advantage Engagement (several languages supported).

Pastoral care. Get pastoral, emotional or spiritual support with free and confidential chaplaincy services open to all with the UTS Multi-Faith Chaplaincy.

Representative sport. Compete against other unis in national sports competitions representing UTS with  Intervarsity Sport Competitions.

Social sport. Participate in 10-week social sport leagues for fun, fitness and friendship with Social Sport Competitions.

Sporting clubs. Compete, socialise, stay fit and represent UTS in various sports with UTS Sport Clubs.

Sporting clubs events. Compete, socialise, stay fit and represent UTS in various sports with UTS Sport events.

Study-related counselling and support. Free study-related group counselling and workshops on topics such as procrastination, mindfulness and managing exam and assessment anxiety with workshops and group counselling sessions.

Support for elite performers. Balance creative and performing arts and academics with tailored support programs via the Elite Performers Program.

Support for elite athletes. Balance elite sports and academics with tailored support programs via the Elite Athlete Program.

Wellbeing and mental health peer support. Get free access to an online wellbeing and mental health peer support network with the TalkCampus app (several languages supported).

Professional skills and careers

Career events and workshops. Enhance your skills, increase your employability and connect with industry with career events and workshops.

Careers resources. Access resources to help you navigate the career development process with workbooks and guides.

Curated jobs and internships. Find your next career move or internship opportunity with CareerHub.

One-to-one career support. Drop in or make an express appointment with a Peer Career Advisor for one-on-one career guidance with Peer Career Advisor express appointments.

Personal development. Develop a wide range of skills with Training Sessions.

Project skills. Gain valuable skills, make connections with staff, be paid for your time, and make a lasting impression on improving the UTS learning experience with the Students as Partners Project Grants program.

Resume feedback. Upload your resume for instant feedback on your wording, layout and resume length with Rate My Resume.

Student voice. Influence UTS campus life and student experiences by running for the Student Board Director position.

Student voice and campaigning. Get your voice heard at the highest levels of UTS and be involved with engaging student-led campaigns with Student Representative Council and student voice and campaigning.