When working out the complete cost of obtaining your degree, you should factor in annual tuition fee increases.
Understanding tuition fees
The maximum tuition fees (student contribution amounts) that can be charged to a student in a Commonwealth supported place are set annually by the Commonwealth government. You can find a record of CSP rates set over the last few years on the Department of Education, Skills and Employment website.
Fees for students studying in fee paying places (both domestic postgraduate and international) are set by UTS and reviewed annually. Tuition fee increases are necessary as the university's costs increase each year. Students must understand the financial commitment of completing a course at UTS and should expect that their tuition fees will increase each year. UTS is committed to maintaining the quality of its programmes and providing the highest level of support and assistance to students.
Tuition fees are set at a rate that will ensure a high standard of teaching and enhance the student experience, while keeping the costs as affordable as possible.
Students who commenced studying in a fee-paying place before 2019 may have been eligible for grandparenting of tuition fees for a set period of time.