$2,000 + Certificate
The aim of the grant is to encourage Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion and Textiles students to include large amounts of wool fabrics in their honours year collection by assisting recipients in sourcing and purchasing wool fabrics. This grant is donated by the Australian Wool Education Trust (AWET), which provides funds for the promotion and encouragement of education in undergraduate and/or post graduate training in wool and wool science and technology, from woolgrowing to the textile product stage. Please read the Conditions of Award for full details of the Prize.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Prize, a candidate must meet all of the following criteria in the year for which the award is made:
- Be enrolled in Bachelor of Design (Honours) in Fashion and Textiles in the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
- Be enrolled in 83923 Research: Fashion Concept Lab
- Submit a research or proposal journal, detailing how they will incorporate the minimum 80% of wool fabric required in their honours collection and demonstrating:
- Concept; and
- Form development; and
- Textile development
Selection process
As evidenced and demonstrated by the submitted research journal:
- The creative and conceptual potential demonstrated through research concept and design proposals
- The potential for innovation using wool fabric
- Previous engagement with that technique with wool fabrics
- The potential for the grant to make a significant contribution to the students future creative and academic success
- Commit to incorporating the minimum of 80% of wool fabric required in their honours collection
- Other fibres can be used in conjunction with the wool component,
- Within garments and/or in separate garments
Need more information? Contact...
UTS:Design, Architecture & Building
Phone: +61 2 9514 8011
Fax: +61 2 9514 8804