$1,500 + certificate of award
09/11/2022Quick Links
This prize is to recognise excellence in the area of innovation and creativity in animation, film, music and sound design. For full details of the Prize, please read the Conditions of Award.
Who is eligible?
- Must be enrolled as a final year student in the undergraduate Animation, Media Arts & Production, Music and Sound Design and Animation (Honours) degrees.
- Combined degree students are also eligible for the Prize.
Selection process
The winners of the Prizes will be selected by the academic staff of the respective discipline areas. The Recipient of the prize in MAP will be based on the most outstanding project by a student in the Capstone subject: 52657 Media Arts Project. The Recipient of the prize in Music and Sound Design will be based on the most outstanding project by a student in the subject Sound Project (50823).
Other information
The Recipients of the prizes in Animation Production will be decided by a formal nomination by the Animation Production staff with a committee reviewing the nominations to award the prizes. The Recipients will be decided upon using Criteria that reflect the Course Intended Learning Outcomes. Demonstrated exemplary work over the period of their degree and evidence of individual merit with respect to the Course Intended Learning Outcomes in the Undergraduate and Honours degree of the Animation Production program.