The aim of the King Living Foundation Most Improved Prize is to encourage product design excellence in the Bachelor of Design in Product Design and is awarded the student who demonstrates the largest academic improvement between first and second years.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the Prize, in the year for which the award is made, a candidate must meet all of the following criteria:
- Be enrolled in the Bachelor of Design in Product Design (C10304)
- Have completed all the core first-year and second-year requirements for Product Design (as stipulated in the UTS Handbook) in the academic year for which the award is made.
- Have completed all the core subjects at a full-time load, in consecutive years
Selection process
- The Prize will be awarded to the student who, in the year for which the award is made, has obtained the largest difference in Weighted Average Mark (WAM) between the core first- and second-year product design subjects.
- Where two (2) or more students achieve the same WAM, the student (1) with the highest overall Grade Point Average (GPA) in their course will be awarded the Prize.
Need more information? Contact...
Stefan Lie
Senior Lecturer, School of Design
Email: stefan.lie@uts.edu.au