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Accept or defer your graduate research scholarship

Follow our detailed instructions to guide you through the steps for accepting your scholarship and (if you need it) information on how to defer

Congratulations on being awarded a scholarship! Scholarships at UTS are competitive and can help you cover living costs while you’re conducting graduate research.

You’ll be notified of your scholarship status by email, or in your letter of offer.

Accept your scholarship

To accept your graduate research scholarship:

  1. If you’re a new domestic research candidate, you must first accept your degree offer. If you’re a new international research candidate, we will email you a scholarship acceptance document to sign and return to us as part of your degree offer acceptance.
  2. Log in to MyStudentAdmin.
  3. Go to the ‘Scholarships’ tab. The scholarship/s you have been offered will appear on this page.
  4. Click ‘Accept’ on the scholarship you intend to accept.
  5. Enter your bank details, acceptance reason, and proposed start date and reason.
  6. Click ‘Save’.

Once you have completed this process, your scholarship status will change from ‘Offered’ to ‘Pending Bestowal’. If you see your status as ‘lapsed’, please contact the Graduate Research School.

Defer your scholarship

You may be able to defer your scholarship funding if you are unable to start your research degree during the session your scholarship has been awarded.

You should:

Deferring to the following year

It is unlikely that you’ll be able to defer scholarships to the next calendar year. In this case, you will need to re-apply online.

You should: