$1,000 + Certificate
10/08/2018Quick Links
The Prize was established in 2002 to provide financial support to a female student enrolled in engineering, as a discipline that is non-traditional for women. The award supports one of the key objectives of Zonta International - to improve the economic and educational status of women around the world. One (1) Recipient will be awarded the Prize each year.
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the prize, the Recipient must:
- Be a domestic student, and
- Be a female student, and
- Be enrolled in one of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology Bachelor courses, including combined courses, and
- Have completed a minimum of 48 credit points, and
- Have a Weighted Average Mark of 75 or greater at the time of application.
- Be available to attend an interview in-person, if required.
Selection process
Applicants will be judged by the Selection Committee on the basis of the following criteria:
- Demonstrated commitment to supporting women in engineering
- The most outstanding application detailing the Recipient’s experience of engineering and ideas about how to increase the participation of women in engineering
- Extra-curricular activities that demonstrate leadership potential and contribution to the wider community
- Academic excellence
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FEIT Teaching and Learning
+61 (02) 9514 2372