I found that the field trips where you travel to the desert or to a tropical island to be some of...
What did you major in?
Environmental Biology
What exactly does your work/job entail?
My days are split between field work and being in the office. When I am out in the field my duties are quite varied. Some of the field activities I commonly come across include supervising drillers on a contaminated site, asbestos monitoring, soil and water sampling and even bush walking.
When in the office my main task is to write reports based upon the results I have taken from my various projects. These reports need to satisfy various guidelines and find our client suitable environmental solutions.
What part of your work inspires you the most? Why do you find it interesting?
I find the science behind what I do inspires me the most. It's not everyday you can apply what you’ve learnt across a large scale and see direct results. Projects I have worked on which were once highly contaminated land are now housing or parkland which was only possible because of the remediation methods used.
Do you find the skills you learnt during your degree useful and versatile? If so how?
I found that chemistry has been the most useful skill with a lot of the work we do focusing on the chemistry of the site. Subjects where we were across environmental issues were also very helpful.
What have been your ‘best’ professional achievements?
Being one of the top five young professionals to give a talk to the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association Inc. ACLCA.
On going Project Management of a number of very large environmental monitoring jobs.
What did you personally gain from your studies?
I personally gained a great group of friends which I still see and hang out with. These friends which I met while doing my studies were from the same course as me. As a result I have many other contacts across other Environmental Science fields.
What was it like to study at UTS Science?
UTS was a good uni to study at. When not at class I would spend the time at the Loft or Glass house... studying of course!
I found that the field trips where you travel to the desert (Semi- Arid Ecology) or to a tropical island (Marine Ecology) to be some of the best experiences I have ever had. This not only developed my knowledge but was what inspired me to pursue a scientific career.
What advice can you give to students considering studying this degree?
I would tell the students to look around the room and make some good friends. The people around you at Uni are some of the strangest and most fun people you will meet. Yes, you can do uni without other people but having a few mates gets you to class more often and is always good company for those all nighters.
Also go on as many excursions and field trips as you can. What you learn while out in the field sticks, is more important and above all else, fun.