Mechanical Engineering student Adam D’Costa received his uni offer well before his HSC.
Adam D’Costa’s journey to UTS began with exploring every pathway into university. His determination led him to discover the UTS Early Entry Program, a decision that changed his academic trajectory.
As an Edge scholarship recipient and mechanical engineering student, Adam saw the UTS Early Entry Program as a perfect opportunity. By leveraging his Year 11 marks, he secured his place at UTS without the anxiety of waiting for his HSC results.
Applying to the program was straightforward: he submitted his Year 11 marks well before the HSC began. Shortly after, Adam received an offer to join UTS in the Faculty of Engineering and IT.

“You’re not just learning the content; you’re learning technical skills at the same time.”
Adam D’Costa
UTS Mechanical Engineering student
Hands-on learning and exciting projects
Now a thriving student, Adam works on a wide range of projects each semester. “Every semester I’ve had a really cool project to work on. I’ve built catapults, automated machines, and even a plant-watering machine last year. Currently, I’m working on a rover,” he says. For Adam, the hands-on approach to learning is a highlight of his degree.
Advice to future students
Reflecting on his journey, Adam would advise his Year 12 self to have more confidence. “Giving yourself the chance to try everything is invaluable; you might not know where to start, and it can be intimidating, but it is always worth the experience,” he says. Adam emphasises the importance of working on projects independently, realising now how valuable those experiences are.