Five students share their experience of studying over summer at UTS. Learn about what motivated them to study and the benefits as they see it.
Arguments, evidence and intuition
Rubani Khanna talks about her experience studying Arguments, Evidence and Intuition over summer, an elective open to all undergraduate students at UTS. Rubani's studying a Bachelor in Engineering with a Diploma in Engineering Practice.

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Commercial Law
Iris Lo shares her experience of studying commercial law over the summer session. Iris, who both works and studies, is completing a combined degree in Bachelor of Arts in International Studies and a Bachelor of Law.

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Engineering Practice Preparation 1
Mathew Da Silva walks us through his experience studying Engineering Practice Preparation 1 over summer. Matthew is completing his Bachelor of Civil Engineering with a Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice.

My name is Mathew Silva and I'm studying a Bachelor of civil engineering with a
diploma and professional engineering practice I have a summer I did a subject
called engineering practice preparation one as an engineer the subject allowed
me to develop some essential skills while moving into the workforce one of
these is communication which is highly essential when you move into the large
workplace because you need to be able to communicate with a range of different
people another one of these skills is diversity and inclusion and social
well-being because moving into an engineering or all you really need to be
able to consider these when doing the job every day as a full-time engineer
doing a subject of a summer such an EPP one is really beneficial it's very
flexible in that there's online modules and face-to-face hours and the low
contact hours means you can manage your full-time work with the University of
course at the core subject of the engineering diploma it's great to be able to spread my study
load throughout the whole year and also be able to do the subject with a number
of friends over the summer session completing the subject in summer was
slow going for sure but I'm actually enrolled in another engineering subject
this summer session.
Chemistry 2
Matthew Saunders talks about studying Chemistry 2 during summer, and why he thinks other students could benefit from this subject. Matthew is in his third year of a Bachelor of Forensic Science and Applied Chemistry.

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Summer at UTS
Jyoti. an international student, is studying the Bachelor of Business. Jyoti shares her experience of being on-campus over the summer session.

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