Computer labs and facilities are available to UTS students for study, learning and research purposes. Find one near you.
Many of the labs are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and are near printers. Some have an internal phone. Wherever you are studying on campus, you will have access to the technology and software you need for your studies. The general access computer labs offer both macOS and Windows platforms.
Lab locations and opening hours
For your closest lab location and opening hours please refer to the General access labs: locations and hours of operation schedule.
Find an available computer on campus
Using our lab stats website, you can find an available computer (opens an external website that takes a few minutes to load) in the general access computer lab or open space areas. The website lists the locations in the first and last columns. The column titled available stations provides information about computer availability.
All computers in UTS general access computing facilities are regularly maintained.
General access computer lab users will be notified of computers shutting down by messages appearing on the computer lab screens screen; 1 hour, 30mins, 15mins and 5mins before the computer will automatically shut down.
Faculty computer labs
Some UTS general access computing facilities have faculty-specific software available on these machines for students to access and use according to your course. Lecturers will usually advise you if the software is located on these machines.
Some faculties operate their own computer facilities with specialised software. Faculty labs are available to students enrolled in courses run by the respective faculty.
Rules and policies about using UTS computers
You will need your UTS student ID card with you at all times when using the computing facilities. IT staff may visit the labs to check all users have their current student ID card. You can be asked to leave if you don’t have a valid UTS student card.
And of course, there are the rules (designed to ensure maximum benefit from the facilities for all students). If you want to use the labs, you need to follow the rules. Ignorance is no excuse. These rules are located on the noticeboard in each lab.
Lab rules
UTS provides these facilities for sharing. Your cooperation is appreciated.
- Ensure that your mobile phone is switched off
- Respect other students who are studying
- Ensure that you have a valid UTS student ID card at all times
- Eat or drink in labs
- View material which may offend others
- Hack or download copyright music
- Remove chairs from the Lab
- Share your account access
- Be prepared for regular ID checks by
UTS personnel
Your UTS student account will be locked if you:
- share your account access
- breach Lab rules
- breach IT policies
- do not comply with directions from UTS staff
When your account is locked you will not be able to access any of the UTS general access computing facilities and services, which includes My Student Admin, Canvas, Internet kiosks, library remote access, the wireless network and your UTS email account.
IT staff or UTS Security can exclude you from lab use for up to 7 days under these rules, which will include the locking of your UTS student account. You also must comply with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy and Copyright advice.