Mentimeter is UTS’s official polling tool, here to make your classrooms, meetings and events more productive, engaging and exciting.
Before using Mentimeter, please read the Terms of use and Privacy notice.
What is Mentimeter?
Mentimeter is an online tool designed to enable the creation of dynamic activities using a range of question types. It enhances engagement, collaboration, and reflection in both online and face-to-face settings. By leveraging Mentimeter, users can effectively gauge understanding and opinions, making it a versatile solution for increasing participation and fostering interactions.
UTS has an Enterprise license for Mentimeter. Students and staff have access to the full suite of Mentimeter Pro features.
What can I use Mentimeter for?
With a UTS Mentimeter account, you can:
- Create engaging presentations with a wide range of question types including word clouds, polls, Q&As, multiple choice quizzes, scales and rankings.
- Ask unlimited questions to an unlimited number of audience members.
- Import your PowerPoint slides and embed questions.
- Create entire presentations inside the online platform.
- Export your results in either PDF format or as an Excel spreadsheet.
- Customise colours and themes, as well as get access to UTS branded themes.
For more information on what Mentimeter can do and how you can use it, you can explore Mentimeter’s Features page.
Before you use Mentimeter
Before you get started with Mentimeter, please ensure you are aware of the acceptable use of Mentimeter at UTS by reading and complying with the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice below, as well as the overarching Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy at UTS and the Acceptable Use Policy of Mentimeter. When presenting a Mentimeter presentation, it is your responsibility to read the documents above and share the Terms of Use and Privacy Notice with participants.
Importantly, please remember that Mentimeter cannot be used for summative assessment, to gather personal or identifiable data, confidential information, or questions that collect data containing sensitive personal information such as political beliefs or sexual orientation. Furthermore, no collection or sharing of information for Commonwealth funded research projects, or information relating to research projects for publications can be done through Mentimeter. If you are a research student or researcher at UTS, please contact the Research Systems Team to discuss the use of Qualtrics or contact your faculty to discuss other options for your research.
How to log into Mentimeter
- Go to
- If required, enter ‘uts’ as organisation name to join the UTS license.
- Click on ‘Continue’
If you are already logged into secure single sign-on (SSO) you will be redirected straight to Mentimeter.
If you are not logged into SSO, you will be prompted automatically to log in using your UTS email address and UTS password, then authenticate with multi-factor authentication (MFA).
Need support with Mentimeter?
For more information on using Mentimeter as an audience member, creating presentations, selecting question types, sharing your presentation and customising your presentation, please view the information available in the drop-down menus below.
- For support using Mentimeter, you can email or use the blue chat bubble on the platform to chat with a Mentimeter Support representative.
- If you are having trouble logging into Mentimeter using your UTS credentials via Single sign on (SSO) or Okta Multi-factor authentication, you can find information about Multi-factor authentication online or contact the UTS IT Support Centre.
Looking for more? Mentimeter offers online webinars for all users. You can choose from a variety of recorded webinars, join upcoming live webinars or complete a course at the Mentimeter Academy.
How do I...
Use Mentimeter as an Audience member?
To use Mentimeter as an Audience member, you will first need to connect to a Mentimeter presentation. To learn more, read Mentimeter’s guide on how to connect and start voting.
You can use a smartphone, tablet or computer to interact and vote. To learn more, you can read this guide, 'What device to use for voting'.
For more information, you can read the following how-to guides:
Create a presentation?
You have three options when creating a presentation with Mentimeter. You can:
- Create a presentation in Mentimeter using Mentimeter’s content builder and question types
- Import PowerPoint, Keynote or PDF slides into Mentimeter and add interactive questions
You can also watch this video to learn how to create your first Mentimeter Presentation.

Today we're going to look at how to create your first mentimeter presentation perhaps you've seen mentimeter in use or even voted on a question as an audience member. Today we're taking a look at it from the presenter's point of view and I'll teach you how to create a full Mentimeter presentation from scratch so join me at the table here and let's get started with Mentimeter.
The first step is to go to and here you have the choice of either logging in if you have an account, or signing up (by the way signing up is free and you can do it in no time). i'm going to create a new account here Menti and i'm going to hit sign up. Here you can choose what you'll be using Mentimeter for. I think i'm going to do it for workshops. You can also choose which plan you would like but here i'll just show you the free version today and this is what it looks like when you log in here. I don't have any presentations saved yet but the ones that you will make will show up in this view. In order to create a presentation you simply select new presentation and this will take you to the edit view here we'll be able to see all of our slides on the left hand side as we're building them. Here in the middle we'll see a preview of our presentation and on the right hand side we have access to all the wonderful mentimeter questions and slide types.
I'm going to start by using a classic word cloud here to show you how that works. I'm going to select the word cloud. The word cloud allows you to ask any open question and have your audience submit one or multiple answers. Here i might ask how has your week been? I could choose how many entries here, i just might do one, and then i am ready to present my mentimeter presentation. In order to present you go up to the right hand side and select present. Your audience will then be able to log in with the code up top at and submit answers to your presentation. let's take a look at how to add more slides to your presentation, i'm going to go to the left here and select add slide here. I can choose another question type. This time i might do the multiple choice. Here you can ask a question again, uh, have you used mentimeter before? and give the audience options on this question, you can you do: Yes, No, I don't know, and on the multiple choice question.
You can even add images to the answers. I'm going to select this little image icon on the side and here you can either upload your own or take a picture from the image library (free to use), or maybe even add a gif if you'd like that. I'm going to do this one here. Let's take a look at how this will look when you go and present it. Once again going to press present up here and I'm using the test votes here to show you, beautiful. As we can see the answers show up in real time and the pictures are there as well now. Mentimeter offers more than these interactive questions. If we go here to the content slides we can build long and beautiful presentations and add text and images directly in Mentimeter.
Here i'm going to show you the bullet list. i can add my heading here and have my bullets come up. That is Mentimeter at live Q and A and when you go and present the bullets will show up one by one as you click. Here you can also add any image you would like by clicking on the image icon. Let's take one from unsplash here i'm gonna square it off, select save, beautiful. Finally, it is possible to rearrange the order of your slides on the left hand side. Here I might start with my word cloud I'll move up the agenda as in second place and have the mentimeter question at the end.
Mentimeter works great for not only live settings when you have an audience in your room but also for remote situations. If you're presenting in front of a live audience you want to show them the full screen of your presentation, and the same thing goes for remote presentations. The easiest thing to do is to put your mentimeter presentation in full screen and simply share your screen in your video conferencing software. The audience will then be able to see your presentation, join via using your code and then vote on your presentation.
I encourage you who are watching this to go to create a free account and start making your own interactive beautiful presentations. It's quick it's easy and you'll be up and running in no time, and don't forget that everything you do will be saved automatically so you don't have to worry about anything disappearing while you're editing. All right folks, that is it for today's video thank you so much for watching.
If you're interested in learning more about how to use Mentimeter you can go ahead and subscribe to this youtube channel. You can also go to resources, I'll put the link here below where you can find a bunch of inspiration and templates for creating your first interactive presentation. Until then, I'll see you next time
Choose the right question?
Mentimeter offers a wide range of question types. To get you started here are a few guides and resources on the different types of questions and when they should be used:
Multiple choice
These question types allow your audience to choose between predefined options.
- Learn how to create, edit and use Multiple Choice questions to poll your audience. You can even add text options and images to make it even more exciting
Free Text answers
Free text answers mean that audience members can type their answers, and are not restricted in their selection.
- Word Cloud question type is one of the most popular question types. See just how easy it is to create an impressive Word Cloud.
- Open ended questions can be used in various ways. Learn how to create and customise Open Ended questions.
Rate or allocate
- Ranking questions let your audience sort and prioritise different items.
- Scales questions let your audience submit numeric answers or rate statements.
- 2 by 2 Grid questions let your audience to rate items against two dimensions.
- 100 Points questions let your audience prioritise items in real time.
Create a quiz competition
Mentimeter questions can be designed so that audience members can see their results and the answers of others in real time to create a fun environment.
- You can create a fun quiz to encourage engagement. If you’d like more information, here is a guide on how to play the Quiz competition.
- Audience members can also compete with others in a multiple choice format quiz, called Select Answer Quiz, or you can challenge your audience by making them guess the correct answer in free text with the Type Answer Quiz.
If you prefer video content to help walk you through the process of setting up these questions, you can explore the Mentimeter YouTube account and their Playlist: Mentimeter Tutorials – Create Awesome Presentations.
Mentimeter also offers templates for interesting and exciting presentation slides. You can explore these examples of how you can use Mentimeter on the Mentimeter website.
Share a presentation
There are many ways to share your presentation when it comes to Mentimeter. Here are some guides created by Mentimeter that address the most common ways of sharing content:
- If you want to provide someone access to the live results of your presentation, you can share the presentation link.
- Learn how to connect your audience to the presentation via a link once your presentation is ready to go live.
You can use Mentimeter in both face to face and remote scenarios. For more information, you can explore Mentimeter’s collection of resources and guides on Presenting with Mentimeter.
Customise a presentation?
When creating a new Mentimeter presentation, it will have the UTS enterprise branding applied, and colours will meet accessibility needs. However, you can customise colours, layouts, and images in your presentations. Here are some guides
created by Mentimeter to help you get started:
- Learn how to customise slides with layouts and colours, as well as adjusting the position of text and images.
- You can also customise the results layout for your presentation if you are using multiple choice, open ended, or scales questions.
- You can add images and GIFs to your presentation.
- Change the theme of your presentation in just a few clicks.
If you would like to learn more about advanced customisation, including inserting math formulas into presentations or customising individual slides, you can explore Mentimeter’s collection of guides and resources for creating presentations and questions.
UTS Mentimeter Terms of use
Terms of use
The UTS Mentimeter Terms of Use informs users of their rights, responsibilities and behavioural expectations in relation to their use of Mentimeter under the UTS enterprise license. It is important to make all users aware of this statement. The use of this tool is voluntary.
Mentimeter user roles
Creators are those who set up a polling activity. The UTS enterprise license extends to all UTS staff and students who can use Mentimeter's full functionality under the UTS enterprise license when they log in with their UTS credentials. The terms of use below apply.
Note: minors under the age of 16 years are not permitted to create a Mentimeter account under the Mentimeter Privacy Policy.
Responsibilities as a Creator
- You cannot enforce the participation of your audience in the polling activity. Participation must be voluntary only.
- It is your responsibility to frame the question sequence within your poll in a way that will not identify Participants. For example, do not collect health or demographic information that could result in the ability to identify Participants. Be careful also with free text responses. Mentimeter is not suitable for the collection of confidential or sensitive data.
- You cannot use Mentimeter for graded assignments or academic research purposes. For academic research, please contact RES Hub to discuss the use of suitable solutions like Qualtrics or contact your faculty to discuss other options.
- You cannot collect personal or identifiable data, such as health or demographic information, other confidential information, or questions that collect data containing sensitive personal information such as political beliefs or sexual orientation.
- You should only include content which is covered under the University’s Copyright Policy.
- You cannot require Participants to provide their email addresses to receive a copy of the polling results. You may allow them to do so voluntarily, to enable them to receive a copy of the presentation and the polling results.
- A poll must not be targeted at minors under the age of 13 years (as a condition of the Mentimeter Privacy Policy).
- If your poll results are required for decisions or further analysis, you need to export your poll results from Mentimeter to be stored as a record, in line with the Records Management Policy. Data remaining in Mentimeter will be disposed of under the university’s contract and data retention plan.
- You are bound by the Acceptable Use Policy of Mentimeter, the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy and the Equity, Inclusion and Respect Policy. Students should also refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Policy.
- UTS staff and students are to use Mentimeter in a manner that are in line with the Mentimeter Enterprise Terms and Conditions and the Mentimeter Acceptable Use Policy to avoid causing harm to Mentimeter or a third-party
Participants are those who respond to a polling activity. Under the UTS enterprise license, this can be a staff member, student, or members of the general public external to UTS.
Responsibilities as a Participant:
- Refer to the UTS Mentimeter Privacy Notice for information in relation to your privacy and responding to a poll issued by UTS.
- You must not use a poll to harass or intimidate or include derogatory or discriminatory content in your response to a poll.
- You must not be under 13 years of age to complete a poll.
- If you have concerns over the information being collected via a poll, raise your concerns with the poll Creator in the first instance. You can refuse to engage with, or discontinue participation, or restart participation in a poll at any time.
Information collected when using the polling tool will be stored with Mentimeter in Ireland, under contract with UTS. Please refer to the UTS Mentimeter Privacy Notice for further information on how UTS will manage personal information and privacy in the use of Mentimeter, including the use of cookies by Mentimeter.
Support for Mentimeter
For technical help with single sign-on issues, you can contact ITU at UTS. Call +61 2 9514 2222 or submit a Service Connect ticket.
For support with the creation of polls, you can contact Mentimeter directly through the chat feature that is available on the Mentimeter homepage while being logged into your account. This feature is accessible any time Monday to Friday, otherwise, the chat displays the time when Mentimeter staff will be able to get back to you. Users can also contact Mentimeter through and for help with technical queries.
Academic and professional staff can find support at the LX.lab for Mentimeter through LX Resources, workshops, and the LX Chat. Please feel free to drop in to the LX.lab or submit a ServiceConnect ticket to request support.
Students can find support resources on the UTS public website, or by contacting the Student Enquiry Team (AskUTS), UTS Library, or the Student Learning Hub
This documentation has been developed by the Education Portfolio in consultation with the Governance Services Unit (GSU) at UTS.
UTS Mentimeter Privacy notice
Privacy notice
Mentimeter is an online polling technology used by UTS under contract with Mentimeter. This privacy notice explains how personal information is managed when this tool is used.
Polls can be set up and run by UTS staff or students (collectively referred to as Creators) and will be conducted anonymously with students, staff or members of the general public (collectively referred to as Participants). Polls can be used as part of academic teaching and learning, administrative tasks, community engagement, and other related activities.
As a Creator or a Participant, your use of Mentimeter is voluntary. Participants can choose to discontinue completing a poll at any time.
What personal information is collected and for what purpose?
For Creators:
- Your name, UTS email address, and IP address will be collected to allow you to set up and manage your account, and create polls.
For Participants:
Polls are required to be designed so your responses are anonymous. However, note that when completing a poll your IP address will be captured for a short time. IP address data may be accessed and used in the event of inappropriate Participant behaviour such as cyber bulling or discrimination, or where there is a threat to life or health of an individual, or public safety identified in a response. You can voluntarily provide your email address when completing a poll for the purpose of receiving the results of the poll, where this option is provided. Where you provide an email address when completing a poll, it is deleted after 12 months, unless you subsequently use that email address to create a Mentimeter account.
The responses provided will be used for analytical purposes by UTS, in line with the purpose of the poll.
Use of cookies
Mentimeter uses cookies on their website for the purposes of authentication, performance analysis, and marketing. Some cookies are deleted automatically once you close your browser, while others will remain for a period of time.
Mentimeter may partner with third-party ad networks to either display advertisements on their website or to manage their advertising on other websites. The ad network partners use cookies and web beacons to collect non-personally identifiable information about user's activities on the Mentimeter website and other websites to show users targeted advertisements based on their interests.
Mentimeter may also partner with third-party data providers to match IP addresses with company names and contact names. Their data partners may use cookies and web beacons for the purpose of matching IP addresses.
You can find more information in the Mentimeter Cookie Policy (which includes advice on how to de-activate cookies) UTS' guide on how to remove Mentimeter cookies, and in the Specifications for Facebook pixel standard events.
How your information is stored and retained
Information collected when using the polling tool will be stored by Mentimeter under contract with UTS in Ireland.
For Creators:
- Creators may export data for local storage as required for ongoing recordkeeping and data will be retained in line with obligations under the State Records Act.
- Creators can delete their accounts, and their poll data at any time (refer to your rights below).
For Participants:
- Your IP address is retained within Mentimeter for 14 days.
- Where you provide an email address when completing a poll, it is deleted after 12 months (unless you use that address to create a Mentimeter account).
Disclosure of personal information
Mentimeter may pass information to their sub-contracted third-parties as part of providing their services. You can find more information in the Mentimeter Processors document.
Personal information collected as part of using the polling tool will not otherwise be disclosed unless required or permitted by law.
Your rights in relation to your information
You have the right to request access to the information held about you, or to request inaccurate information be corrected. To access, correct, or request the deletion of any personal information held about you:
- as a Creator, contact UTS through ServiceConnect.
- as a Participant, contact Mentimeter through
Any action taken will depend on whether there is a legal requirement to retain information. These actions may not be possible in cases where information was received anonymously.
More information
From Mentimeter
- Mentimeter Privacy Policy.
- Mentimeter’s Acceptable Use Policy.
From UTS
- UTS Mentimeter Terms of Use for Mentimeter poll Creators.
- UTS’ overarching Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources Policy.
- Further information about how UTS manages personal information can be found at Privacy at UTS.
This notice may be updated at any time. Check this notice periodically to ensure you are aware of our current practices. This documentation has been developed by the Education Portfolio in consultation with the Governance Services Unit (GSU) at UTS.
Last updated February 2025