As a teacher education student, you’ll need to demonstrate solid skills in literacy and numeracy. To do this, you’ll be required to pass a literacy and a numeracy tests before you start your final professional experience placement.
The tests are administered by the Australian Council for Educational Research and all details are on the Literacy and Numeracy Test in Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) website.
Preparing for the tests
ACER makes all the arrangements for the tests. UTS won’t organise them for you, so you should look at the LANTITE website for all details. It's up to you to make sure you have completed both tests before the beginning of your last Professional Experience. We recommend that you complete the tests as soon as possible in your degree. If you delay taking the test and then don’t pass, it may mean you will not be able to go on your professional experience when you want to do it.
The following resources may help you to prepare for the tests. While some of these resources are targeted at school students, they might still give you a sense of the look and feel of the sort of questions you might encounter.
- LANTITE: There are sample questions available to download from the LANTITE website.
- Create Test: English literacy and Create Test: Mathematics. Use these links to create and mark multiple-choice tests that consist of a number of questions from past School Certificate exams.
- NAPLAN Example Tests. NAPLAN is administered Australia-wide to test all students for skills in literacy and numeracy. The example tests can be used to help you understand if there are any gaps in your knowledge. There is no equivalent to the writing task in the test for prospective teachers.
- EngageNY: Annotated 3–8 ELA and Mathematics state test questions. These questions were used in the Common Core state tests in the US. The annotated tests include information that indicates levels of student understanding based on the answers they provide.
- Numerical Reasoning Test. The University of Kent provides this free test (and others) through their Careers and Employability Service.