Professional experience during your degree
If you are a Teacher Education student, please view the essential information below to prepare you for the duration of your study here at UTS.
UTS MyPlacement is our placement management system. To log on, please select your course type (Teacher Education Primary or Teacher Education Secondary), then enter your UTS student ID and password.
Teacher Education Student
Mandatory Checks must be completed prior to your placement. The teacher education student must provide evidence of these completed checks to the allocated school.
Additionally, teacher education students are required to supply the designated school contact with the necessary professional experience documentation.
Mandatory Checks
On the first day of placement, teacher education students are required to provide copies of documents to their placement school. Please note that a school representative may request these documents prior to the first day of placement.
The UTS Professional Experience Office requires you to complete the following mandatory checks in MyPlacement.
- Working With Children Check
- NSW DOE WWCC Verfication
- Child Protection and Awareness Training Certificate
- Anti-Racism Policy Training Certificate
- Aboriginal Cultural Education Training Certificate
- Code of Ethics and Conduct Training Certificate
- ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-Training Certificate
- UTS Inherent Requirements
- LANTITE (specific to placement subject requisites)
- UTS Teacher Education Professional Experience Conditions of Participation
If attending a Department of Education School for placement, you are required to refer to the Department’s Induction for pre-service teachers webpage and follow the steps listed PRIOR to your first day of placement. We recommend commencing this process as soon as you enrol in the professional experience subject, as most placements will be conducted in a Department of Education school and being prepared is crucial.
The Pre-service Teacher Acknowledgement form and copies of the above listed mandatory checks are still required for EACH placement at a Department of Education school.
Refer to the Checks tab on MyPlacement and the UTS Professional Experience Mandatory Checks webpage for further information on each of the mandatory checks listed above.
Please provide your allocated school with a completed Student Emergency Contact Details Form.
Placement Forms and Reports
The following forms are available in digital format and can be accessed under the Forms tab in MyPlacement. Once completed by the final signatory, a PDF will automatically be created under the Documents tab in the student's MyPlacement profile.
- Professional Experience Report: Prior to placement the teacher education student is to email a link to the supervising teacher. The supervising teacher should complete the report throughout the placement and submit it upon completion.
- Attendance Sheet: The teacher education student is expected to maintain daily attendance. Upon completion of the placement,the teacher education student is required to email a link to the supervising teacher.
- UTS Preferred Lesson Plan (pdf 642KB): to be completed by the teacher education student for each lesson to be conducted.
- Supervising Teacher Lesson Observation Report: The supervising teacher is asked to completed one (1) Lesson Observation Report for each week the teacher education student conducts a lesson. The teacher education student is required to email a link to the form for the supervising teacher to complete.
For further information on form usage, self select forms, form timing and form source, please familiarise yourself with the information contained in the Form Usage Guide (pdf 261KB) and Form Status Guide (pdf 224KB).
Professional Experience Handbooks and Code of Ethics & Conduct
The Professional experience handbook and Code of Ethics & Conduct detail expectations and requirements for professional experience. Both the teacher education student and supervising teacher should read through the documents.
Professional Experience Handbook 2025 (pdf 1.25MB)
Professional Experience Code of Ethics & Conduct (pdf 1.2MB)
Professional Experience Handbook Archive
Professional Experience Handbook 2024 (pdf 1.25MB)
Professional Experience Handbook 2023 (pdf 1.3MB)
Professional Experience Handbook 2022 (pdf 4.7 MB)
Insurance Documents
Public liability insurance (pdf 87KB)
Personal accident insurance (pdf 180KB)
Supervising Teachers
Pay Claim Documents
To receive payment for supervising a teacher education student on placement, supervising teachers will need to fill out the UTS Claim Form, ATO Superannuation Standard Choice Form and ATO TFN Declaration. Supervising teacher and professional experience coordinator pay claim documents are available in one fillable PDF - UTS Supervising Teacher & PEC Claim Forms (pdf 2MB).
Please email the completed pay claim documents to pexclaims@uts.edu.au.
Lesson Observation Documents
The teacher education student can forward you the digital Supervising Teacher Lesson Observation Report to be completed and submitted via MyPlacement. Supervising teachers are asked to complete at least one (1) Supervising Teacher Lesson Observation for each week the teacher education student conducts a lesson.
Additional Support Request
If a supervising teacher has a concern regarding a teacher education student’s general progress or well-being, the tertiary supervisor should be immediately contacted and advised.
The Additional Support Request is to be filled in by the supervising teacher during placement should they have concerns related to a teacher education student’s performance, progress or wellbeing. The Additional Support Request is to be completed in consultation with the tertiary supervisor. The tertiary supervisor can send you a link for the Additional Support Request Form to be completed and submitted online via MyPlacement. Please refer to the 2025 Professional Experience Handbook (pdf 1.25MB) for further information on the additional support process.
Application for a waiver of Appendix B of the NESA Professional Experience Policy
If you are a Conditionally Accredited Initial Teacher Education Student and are currently employed in a school as a classroom teacher you can apply for a Waiver B placement. With an approved Application for a waiver of Appendix B of the NESA Professional Experience Policy conditionally accredited ITE students, who meet the requirements of the waiver, can continue their employment including receiving payment/wages while undertaking their final placement in a school where they are employed.
If you are looking to apply for a Waiver B placement please read the Waiver B Guide (pdf 204KB) and complete the and UTS Waiver B Application form through MyPlacement following the steps as outlined in the information sheet.
When completing the Waiver B Application in MyPlacement, please ensure you follow the steps provided at the top of the form and in the information sheet. Do NOT proceed to next step until prompted via email.
For further information on form usage, self select forms, form timing and form source, please refer to the information contained in the Form Usage Guide (pdf 261KB) and Form Status Guide (pdf 224KB).
Information on NESA Teacher Accreditation is available on the Before Applying for Any Teaching Job in NSW Teacher Education Canvas page for current UTS teacher education students.