This webpage provides details about the teach-out of the current Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education.
This information is for students who are admitted in the following courses:
- C10349 Bachelor of Education Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- C10350 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Education (Primary and Secondary majors)
Please be assured that subjects will be offered to allow you to complete your degree, however the core subjects (core, key learning area subjects, teaching methods subjects) will have a date by which you will need to complete them. The last offered session has been determined based on the recommended enrolment sequence.
In order to complete your degree on time we strongly recommend that you enrol in a full time load. We also strongly recommend that you enrol into the subjects by the last offering as indicated below.
What does this mean for you as a current student?
Please plan out your anticipated enrolment over the next few years to ensure that you complete all of your subjects before the expected last session listed below. These are all subject to change but you will be contacted if it changes.
Expected last offering by subject type
Core subjects
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028226 Beyond Culture: Diversity in Context |
Autumn D 2022 |
028227 Learning and Development across the Lifespan |
Spring D 2022 |
028228 Digital Learning Futures |
Autumn D 2023 |
028236 Special Education: Inclusion |
Autumn D 2023 |
028238 Programming Assessment and Reporting* |
Autumn D 2023 |
028237 Issues in Indigenous Australian Education |
Spring D 2023 |
028225 Issues in Education: Local and Global Contexts |
Spring D 2024 |
Please note: 013986 Literacy and Numeracy Across the Curriculum will continue to be offered moving forward as it is a core subject in the Master of Teaching in Secondary Education.
* This subject appears as a core subject in the Primary major.
Professional Experience subjects
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028230 Professional Experience 1: Preparation for Teaching |
Autumn D 2022 |
028231 Professional Experience 2: Introduction to Classroom Management |
Spring D 2022 |
028232 Professional Experience 3: Effective Teaching and Learning |
Autumn D 2023 |
028233 Professional Experience 4: Building Classroom Management |
Spring D 2023 |
028234 Professional Experience 5: Teacher as Researcher |
Autumn D 2024 |
028235 Professional Experience 6: Teaching Performance Assessment and Internship |
Spring D 2024 |
Primary Key Learning Area subjects
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028239 Mathematics Education 1 |
Autumn D 2022 |
028246 PDHPE 1 |
Autumn D 2022 |
028250 English Education 1 |
Autumn D 2022 |
028242 Science and Technology Education 1 |
Spring D 2022 |
028248 Creative Arts 1: Visual Art |
Spring D 2022 |
028249 Creative Arts 2: Music, Movement and Dance |
Spring D 2022 |
028244 Social and Environmental Education 1 |
Autumn D 2023 |
028240 Mathematics Education 2 |
Spring D 2023 |
028247 PDHPE 2 |
Spring D 2023 |
028243 Science and Technology Education 2 |
Spring D 2023 |
028251 English Education 2 |
Spring D 2023 |
028241 Mathematics Education 3 |
Autumn D 2024 |
028252 English Education 3 |
Autumn D 2024 |
028245 Social and Environmental Education 2 |
Spring D 2024 |
Primary specialisation subjects
English specialisation
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028213 Children’s Literature in Primary Schools |
Autumn D 2022 |
028215 Language in Use |
Spring D 2023 |
024705 Multimodal Texts: Comprehending and Creating |
Autumn D 2024 |
028214 Understanding and Using Educational Data |
Spring D 2024 |
028992 Shaping Meaningful Worlds: Language Texts and Context | Autumn D 2023 |
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028214 Understanding and Using Educational Data |
Spring D 2024 |
028289 Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning will continue to be offered.
Creative Arts specialisation
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
026412 Music Moves |
November Session 2021 |
028290 Creative Arts 3: Music, Movement and Dance 2 |
Autumn D 2022 |
024421 Creative Arts 4: Drama |
Spring D 2022 |
013218 Studio Practice: Painting |
Autumn D 2023 |
Science and Technology specialisation
Subject number and name |
Last offered session |
028412 Science and Technology Study 2: Science and Technology in Daily Life |
Autumn D 2022 |
Subject substitutions
Teaching Method subject |
What will happen? |
028259 Mathematics Teaching Methods 1 |
013238 Mathematics Teaching Methods 1 |
028260 Mathematics Teaching Methods 2 |
013239 Mathematics Teaching Methods 2 |
028261 Mathematics Teaching Methods 3 |
013240 Mathematics Teaching Methods 3 |
028262 Mathematics Teaching Methods 4 |
028289 Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning |
028263 Science Teaching Methods 1 |
013243 Science Teaching Methods 1 |
028264 Science Teaching Methods 2 |
This will be dependent on your specific teaching area within Science |
028265 Science Teaching Methods 3 |
This will be dependent on your specific teaching area within Science |
028266 Science Teaching Methods 4 |
This will be dependent on your specific teaching area within Science |
028271 English Teaching Methods 1 |
013232 English Teaching Methods 1 |
028272 English Teaching Methods 2 |
013233 English Teaching Methods 2 |
028273 English Teaching Methods 3 |
013234 English Teaching Methods 3 |
028274 English Teaching Methods 4 |
024705 Multimodal Texts: Comprehending and Creating |
028277 Social Science Teaching Methods 1 |
Please submit an erequest for your specific subject substitution |
028278 Social Science Teaching Methods 2 |
Please submit an erequest for your specific subject substitution |
028281 Business Studies/Economics Teaching Methods 1 |
Please submit an erequest for your specific subject substitution |
028282 Business Studies/Economics Teaching Methods 2 |
Please submit an erequest for your specific subject substitution |
If you have PDHPE Teaching Methods subjects on your study plan, please get in contact with the School for more advice.
* Please note that we have checked student study plans and these are the most appropriate teaching method subjects to undertake. However, if you have concerns that it is the wrong subject, please submit an eRequest.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What happens if I don’t complete a particular subject by the last offering date? Will there be a subject substitution available?
We strongly encourage you to complete your subjects by the last offering date. There will not be any subject substitutions available. It may be possible to complete concurrent study if a suitable subject can be identified from another tertiary institution.
In order to meet the last offered session, can I enrol into more subjects than usual? E.g. 5 subjects instead of 4 subjects per session.
It may be possible for you to enrol into additional subjects (more than 4 subjects) per session. In order to do this, you will need to submit an eRequest. Please give us a brief reason about how you can cope with the additional load of study. Your previous session’s results will be considered to confirm your ability to take on an additional load of study.
Can I still change my teaching area (Primary to Secondary or vice versa)?
No, due to the teach-out no future changes to your study plan will be available as some subjects will no longer be offered.
If you are interested in studying secondary teaching, please consider our combined Master of Teaching in Secondary Education programs. To apply for this course, please visit the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) website.
Can I still change my primary specialisation?
It may be possible to change your primary specialisation, but please note that the teach-out is on a tight schedule where your subjects may need to be substituted in order to complete the specialisation or you will need to complete an equivalent subject at another institution via concurrent study.
If you have already commenced your current primary specialisation and want to change to another specialisation, it may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
I noticed that there are no Secondary Teaching Methods subjects listed in the teach-out. What does that mean for me?
There are changes happening to the Secondary Teaching Methods subjects but these will be occurring as subject substitutions instead of a teach-out because we still have a teaching methods on offer. Please note that we have reduced the teaching method subjects from four to three.
I’m a Secondary English teaching area student. What changes have happened to my study plan?
Our Secondary English program has integrated Communications subjects (such as Fictional Forms, Imagining the Real) into the program. The Communication courses were recently reaccredited whereby their major subjects have changed from 8 credit point subjects to 6 credit point subjects. The School of Communications will be offering 2 credit point subjects if you are missing credit points. These subjects are:
- Active resilience in the workplace (2cp)
- Navigating workplace conflict (2cp)
These subjects will be delivered online and will be self-directed over a six week period.
Please let us know what you’re having problems via eRequest so that we can be flagged that there is a potential issue.
Will this teach-out process have an impact on the education electives? Are there electives that are available that we cannot see in our elective choice?
The list of elective choices has been decreasing over the past few years because the majority are Primary major students who only take one pure elective.
Secondary students could potentially take up to five electives if they select the elective stream.
In the future, these elective numbers will also potentially decrease due to the need to maintain a viable staff/subject ratio.
Will an updated study plan be provided on the study plan management website with the teach-out happening?
At the moment, we will work methodically on updating the study plan management website with the teach-out and potential future enrolment. As there are numerous study plans to update, this will take longer than usual. If you have questions about your individual study plan for the time being, please contact
Is the webinar available to view?
The webinar is available to view with the link to the recording and password below:
Link to the recording:
Password: K-h4-dhp!y9c
Should you require any further information regarding this teach-out, please do not hesitate to email the School at