As a student pursuing a degree, academic progression refers to the progress you are making towards meeting the requirements of your course. While it is your responsibility to keep track of your learning and ensure you meet course requirements, we also monitor each student's progress to identify and support those who may be at risk of not meeting requirements.
To assess your progression, we evaluate how well you are meeting the essential academic requirements laid out in the Student Rules, the requirements of your award course, and the subjects you take each session. We also examine how well you are progressing in your studies in relation to the maximum allowable time limit for completing your course.
Failure to meet progress requirements
Failing to meet the academic progress requirements at the end of any half-year of study in the course will result in being placed on academic caution.
Business students who have been placed on Academic Caution or Early Intervention will receive an email regarding the online academic caution process. The email will also contain information about submitting a reduced study load for international students.
As a part of the online process, students are required to complete a reflection exercise to identify any factors that may have contributed to their unsatisfactory academic performance. This exercise will enable them to gain a better understanding of the support available to help improve their academic performance for the upcoming session.
Individual mentoring for undergraduate students on Academic Caution
As an additional support for undergraduate students on Academic Caution, the UTS Business Mentor program is offering a limited number of individual mentoring places to help students reinforce key skills in their approach to university.
UTS Business Mentors are high-performing students with a passion for their subject area and supporting their peers.
What the program can offer:
The opportunity to meet with a UTS Business Mentor for six sessions over the semester for individualised support. Mentors can help with:
• Study skills
• Networking
• Major/subject selection
• Extra-curricular opportunities
• Professional development
It is important to note that:
Mentors cannot ‘tutor’ you for your subjects or assist you with completing assignments. Our mentors volunteer their time and we ask that you respect this by ensuring you meet them on a consistent basis and as agreed (i.e. no last minute cancellations). You are offered 6 sessions over the session.
If you are interested in this program, please complete this application form.
For any questions please contact the Business Mentors team at Business.
Repeated Failure in a Subject
Students who fail a business subject after three or more failures will need to complete the Request for Permission to re-enrol in a subject through the UTS Business online portal.
Where a student is unable to complete a course as a result of being refused permission to enrol in a subject, the student will be excluded from further study for a period of one academic year. During the exclusion period, the student cannot enrol or apply for any subjects or courses of study at the University.