UTS Business School recognises the outstanding achievements of our top students and staff each year.
On this page UTS Business School recognises the outstanding achievements of our top students and teaching staff. Prizes and scholarships are awarded each year for meritorious work and are made available through the generosity of individuals and public and private organisations.
With the Dean’s Merit List recipients, we also recognise our highest performing students across all of our many undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
Every recipient below should be tremendously proud of their achievements. Congratulations to the prize, scholarship and merit list recipients, and thank you to our sponsors and partners for their continued support of the pursuit of academic excellence amongst our students.

Dean's Merit recipient Robert Fury receives his award from UTS Business School Dean Professor Chris Early
Prizes and scholarships
Undergraduate prizes and scholarships
Business Dean’s Scholarship
Aidan Lim
UTS Business Inclusion and Diversity Scholarship
Linda Ly
Carlos Nochez Godoy
UTS Business School Honours Scholarship
Monica Axiak
David Christodoulou
Pham Uyeh Trang Ngo
Louise Pamute
Accounting for Good – Top First Year Prize for Bachelor of Business Administration
Renee Zaitouni
Accounting Honours Scholarship
Monica Axiak
Thi Bui
Maxeem Georges
Lois Zou
Prize for Excellence in Accounting Honours Thesis
Rebecca Bachmann
CPA Australia Prize – Top First Year Student
Kimberly Wybenga
CPA Australia Prize – Top Second Year Student
Ming Chen
CPA Australia Prize – Best Graduating Student
Zeyu Gong
Hill Rogers Accounting Prize
Alexandra Motbey
Bryan Soepardi
UTS Insearch International Student Prize in Accounting
Jameson Salim
William Buck NSW Financial Statement Analysis (Capstone) Prize
Zeyu Gong
UTS Business School Economics Prize
Emily Whitaker
UTS Economics Discipline Group Honours Scholarship
Utkarsh Somaiya
UTS Business School Economics Honours Prize
Sin Hung Yu
Michael McGrath Prize for Economics, Finance and Humanity
Daniel Dell’Armi
UTS Insearch International Student Prize in Business
Pham Uyen Trang Ngo
Australian Ethical Investment, Ethics in Finance Prize (Autumn)
Chelsea Payne
Australian Ethical Investment, Ethics in Finance Prize (Spring)
Zachary Gee
RBC Capital Markets Women in Finance Scholarship (Undergraduate)
Isabella Cooper
Industrial Relations Society of NSW Prize for Excellence in Industrial Relations Undergraduate Study
Julia Mulcahy
Peter and Sharon Ivany Academic Achievement Scholarship
James Phillips
Sydney Swans Prize in Sport Management
Kristine Marinkovic
UTS Insearch International Student Prize in International Business
Nissa Cynthia
UTS Business School Marketing Prize
Amanda Wood
Marketing Honours Scholarship
Louise Pamute
Marketing Discipline Group Prize for Best Woman Graduate with a Marketing Specialisation
Jesse Divola
Customer Service Institute of Australia Prize in Services Marketing (Undergraduate)
Courtney McEwen
Teaching prizes
Undergraduate business prize for excellence in teaching Autumn 2017
Danny Yeung (Tutorial 30+ students)
Gerhard Hambusch (40–100 students)
Atieh Fallahi (101-200 students)
Ben Farr-Wharton (201+ students)
Undergraduate business prize for excellence in teaching Spring 2017
Chris Bajada (Tutorial 30+ students)
Ben Farr-Wharton (40–100 students)
Nigel Bairstow (101–200 students)
Anna Loyeung (201+ students)
Postgraduate business prize for excellence in teaching Autumn 2017
Jan Hohberger
Postgraduate business prize for excellence in teaching Spring 2017
Ben Farr-Wharton
Postgraduate prizes and scholarships
Dean's EMBA Award
Luke Chess
MBA Scholarship for Outstanding Students – Spring 2017
Anna Zurek (Commencing)
Laura Jamieson (Current)
Adam Newman (Current)
Vanessa Sore (Current)
MBA Scholarship for Outstanding Students – Autumn 2018
Ekaterina Dymova (Commencing)
Simona Baena Duque (Current)
Pritesh Vora (Current)
Mengyun You (Current)
Postgraduate Business Alumni Scholarship
Kylee Shepherd
Zonta Club of Sydney Prize for the Woman MBA Graduate of the Year
Laura Jamieson
Prize for Excellence in Doctoral Accounting Thesis
Samuel Sherry
SAP Australian User Group Prize
Sabyasachi Sarker
Mark Lyons Not-for-Profit and Social Enterprise Management Scholarship
Josh Collier
Marketing Discipline Group Prize for Academic Excellence in Marketing Management
Jacqui Dent
Customer Service Institute of Australia Prize in Services Marketing (Postgraduate)
Max Ciccarelli
Customer Service Institute of Australia EMBA Excellence Award in Marketing
Luke Purcell
BDO East Coast Partnership UTS Venture Day Prize
Brayden Beaumont
Nora Nasser
Rio Weerasinghe
Gilbert & Tobin MBAe Venture Day Prize
Kent Boehm
Kazacos Family Prize in Entrepreneurship and Kazacos Foundation Prize in Entrepreneurship
Timothy Cochran
Paul Thorley Prize
Kent Boehm
TCF Services – MVP Grant Application Support
Brayden Beaumont
Nora Nasser
Rio Weerasinghe
UTS Business School Dean’s Award for Best Social Venture
Livia Leskovec
UTS Business School Dean’s Award for Best For-Profit Venture
Mahya Mirzaei Poueinag
Dean’s Merit List
Undergraduate Dean’s Merit List
Abdulrahman Alhumud |
Dominic Grimm |
Kathryn Middleton |
Utkarsh Somaiya |
Monica Axiak |
Christian Hampson |
Kate Moran |
Samantha Stack |
Sarah Azzi |
Xiaotong He |
Alexandra Motbey |
Elizabeth Strachan |
Rory Baldwin |
Eldrin Hermoso |
Joel Narayan |
Celine Stylianou |
Emma Bell |
Lennard Herrera |
Sharon Narayan |
Paree Symeou |
Simon Berry |
Melanie Hewett |
Sophie Newton |
Reynard Tan |
Mark Bourke |
Thomas Hill |
Jayden Ngo |
Vanessa Tan |
John Breckenridge |
Nicholas Hodge |
Minh Nguyen |
Patrick Teys |
Steven Brett |
Kieran Holden |
Valerie Nguyen |
Renith Thettayil |
Ryan Burger |
Lincoln Hu |
Philippa Nolan |
Dain Thomas |
William Catterson |
Eda Huang |
Sean Novis |
Regina Tjahyadi |
Sarah Chahine |
Mitchell Hubble |
William O'Connell |
Sophia Tonoli |
Candy Chan |
Luke Jaggers |
Jessica Ong |
Michael Toulmin |
Liqing Chen |
Sachin Kapoor |
Elizabeth Orlando |
Anna Tran |
Ming Chen |
Mahdi Karimi |
Clare O'Rourke |
Thanh Tran |
Yan Chen |
Steven Kim |
Deborah Ouyang |
Fiona Tran |
Alexander Cicchitelli |
Ben Kinchington |
Josh Overett |
Declan Trifunovic |
Sierra Collender |
Bradley Kouch |
Connor Overton |
Nicole Valenton |
Jameson Coombs |
Talia La Delfa |
Zoe Pandousis |
Dinh Van |
Daniel Dell'Armi |
Kaitlin Labrie |
Alexia Papadimitriou |
Josh Vernon |
Jesse Divola |
Benjamin Lao |
Samantha Pratt |
Isabella Vick |
Andrew Donlan |
Timothy Lao |
Ayesha Rahman |
Guus Vreeburg |
Siobhan Downey |
Bobby Lau |
Hitha Raja Vatsavayi |
Ha Linh Vu |
Emily Dunford |
Adam Leroux |
Matthew Renard |
Angelique Wan |
Maxim Evteev |
Susanna Li |
Max Riley |
Tim Wang |
Robert Fury |
Jenixon Lim |
David Robertson |
Max Wileman |
Zachary Gee |
Katherine Lin |
Nicholas Sanderson |
Alexander Younes |
Lara Giles |
Buu Tran Ly |
Ashish Sanjel |
Thomas Zahn |
Zeyu Gong |
James Marassa |
James Seaman |
Rebecca Zdraveska |
Justin Gordon |
Christine Meagher |
Amelia Slaytor |
Nicole Zeaiter |
Brittany Gregson |
Kate Meagher |
Bryan Soepardi |
Tengwei Zhang |
Postgraduate Dean’s Merit List
Yousef Abdullah A Alyousef
Laura Bastos Meirelles
Kent Boehm
William Bruce
Linda Castellazzi
Solene Chambard
Luke Chess
Alice Chivell
Brittany Crimmins
Ashlee Fitzpatrick
Emily Foo
Magdalena Gonzalez Ahrens
Cynthia Groves
Hongbo Guo
Benoit Harbeumont
Laura Henderson
Rebecca Kershaw
Tracy Lu
David O'Connor
Daseul Park
Liudmila Radomskaia
Julian Rejmanowski
Amy Saleh
Angus Sinclair
Daniel Song
Bao Tu
Xuetao Wang
Shangting Yang