What is Assurance of Learning?
The UTS Business School has a set of Graduate Attributes, which outline the knowledge and skills we want you to possess at the end of your studies.
- Intellectual rigour and innovative problem-solving - have the ability to apply analytical, critical, and creative thinking to provide innovative solutions to complex real-world problems
- Communication and collaboration - possess effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills and a capacity to operate independently and in teams in professional and community settings
- Social responsibility, economic justice and equality - be equipped to make socially responsible decisions which create positive outcomes for society and for the environment
- Professional and technological expertise - be an effective business professional demonstrating expertise in their chosen field, critical engagement with technology and digital literacy
- Work for and with Indigenous Australians - have knowledge of Indigenous Australian contexts to inform their capability to work effectively for and with Indigenous Australians within their profession
Within each program, Graduate Attributes are translated into measurable Program Learning Objectives (PLOs), also known as Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs). PLOs are program-specific and describe what we want you to know and to be able to do by the time you graduate.
We recognise that achieving these PLOs takes time and requires solid foundations, as well as plenty of practice and feedback, before ‘mastery’ is possible. To support this cumulative building of knowledge and skills, the Business School maps PLOs to different stages of learning in your degree. This map will be specific to your field of study and your program's length and level (i.e., undergraduate or postgraduate).
Assurance of Learning in Undergraduate Programs
In undergraduate programs, such as bachelor's degrees, we map our PLOs to three distinct stages: introduce, develop, and assure.
Stage 1 - Introduce
Subjects which are designed to introduce you to a PLO are typically done early in your studies, usually in your first year. In these subjects, we teach you the essential knowledge and skills you need to eventually achieve the PLO and will offer you low-stakes opportunities to receive feedback on your progress.
There may be multiple subjects which introduce different aspects of a PLO. This ensures you have the best foundation to build upon in later subjects.
Stage 2 - Develop
Developing subjects build on the foundational knowledge and skills you acquired in your introducing subjects. They typically occur midway through your program. Here you may be taught the more complex skills and knowledge needed for the PLO and be given further opportunities to practice and receive feedback on your progress.
The goal at this stage is to give you opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of your field of study, and to refine your professional and academic skills, before moving to the next stage of your learning journey. As you transition from this developing stage to the final, assuring, stage, the complexity and expectations of your assessments will increase. This will challenge you to apply what you are learning in more sophisticated and integrated ways.
Stage 3 - Assure
In assuring subjects, you will need to demonstrate your mastery of the PLO, typically through assessment tasks with criteria that are specifically designed to measure your level of achievement.
Assessment of the PLO may be one aspect of a larger integrated task. Within that task, you will be assessed on your achievement of the PLO and given an achievement level – exceeds expectations, meets expectations, below expectations. (See below for a full explanation of these levels.)
The goal here is to make sure that you've not only demonstrated your achievement of your program's learning objectives but that you are also ready to apply them in real-world situations. This thorough approach helps us confirm that you've truly understood the central concepts of your field and can effectively use the skills you've gained throughout your program.
Assurance of Learning in Postgraduate Programs
In master’s degree programs, we map our PLOs to two distinct stages: develop and assure.
Stage 1: Develop
At master’s level, you will have previous qualifications, or significant work experience, which will have introduced you to the fundamental knowledge and skills of your program’s learning objectives. Postgraduate developing subjects will therefore review this essential knowledge and skills and then teach you the more complex discipline-specific aspects of your PLOs. These subjects will give you opportunities to develop and receive feedback on your learning progress.
The goal at this stage is to give you opportunities to develop a deeper understanding of your field of study, and to refine your professional and academic skills, before moving to the next stage of your learning journey. As you transition from this developing stage to the final, assuring, stage, the complexity and expectations of your assessments will increase. This will challenge you to apply your knowledge and skills in more sophisticated and integrated ways.
Stage 2: Assure
In assuring subjects at master’s level, you will need to demonstrate your expertise in the areas covered by each PLO. This will typically be done through assessment tasks with criteria designed to measure your level of achievement. The PLO may be one element of a larger assessment task. Within that task, you will be assessed on your achievement of the PLO and given an achievement level – exceeds expectations, meets expectations, below expectations.
The goal here is to measure the extent to which you've developed expert-level proficiency in your PLOs and whether you’re ready to apply this in professional contexts.
Assurance of Learning Achievement Levels
Our achievement levels for PLOs are:
- Exceeds Expectations – You have demonstrated achievement of the PLO at a very high standard. This is equivalent to receiving a Distinction or High Distinction in the assessment criterion aligned to the PLO
- Meets Expectations – You have demonstrated achievement of the PLO at a good standard. This is equivalent to receiving a Pass or Credit in the assessment criterion aligned to the PLO
Below Expectations – You did not sufficiently demonstrate achievement of the PLO. This is equivalent to a fail in the assessment criterion aligned to the PLO
Note: Your achievement level in the PLO may not match your overall grade in the subject. In addition to the PLO, subjects will also have learning objectives which are specific to the content and context of that subject. You could therefore receive a credit in the subject overall but exceed expectations for a PLO in which you demonstrate particular aptitude.
Using Assurance of Learning data
The UTS Business School aims to use assurance of learning and other program and subject data to enhance our teaching and improve student achievement. We aggregate PLO achievement data to help us pinpoint areas of our curriculum, assessments, and class practices that may need enhancement. This helps us to ensure you are well supported in achieving your program’s learning objectives.
Check your Assurance of Learning information
Our PLOs represent important knowledge, skills, and attributes needed in post-graduation contexts. You may wish to review your PLO achievement and reflect on potential professional and academic development opportunities. To view your PLO achievement data, visit the Learning Mastery grades in the Canvas sites of your relevant subjects.