The UTS Handbook provides a clear structure and sequence of subjects that will help you plan your course program and enrol in the correct subjects in the right order. Keep in mind that some subjects have prerequisites and must be studied in a specific order. If you need more flexibility or want to speed up your study, you can choose to study in the Summer session.
Recommended sequence for undergraduate course programs
To help you plan your studies effectively, we have provided sample course study plans in the UTS Handbook, found under the 'Study plans' section. These plans suggest the sequence of subjects for a full-time student to complete the course within the minimum duration and meet subject requisite requirements. However, please note that the program sequence doesn't consider any Recognition of Prior Learning you may have received, as it varies from student to student.
Recommended sequence for postgraduate course programs
The sample course study plans in the UTS Handbook are designed to assist you in planning your studies to satisfy subject requisite requirements and complete the course within the minimum duration. Individual course study plans can be found in the UTS Handbook under the 'Study plans' section.
Get in touch with the Student Centre if you have any questions regarding your program structure or planning your sequencing of subject enrolments.
Enrolment and Timetable
As a UTS student, you can use the online application My Student Admin to manage your studies. It provides access to personal details, contact details updates, course enrolment details, results, Commonwealth assistance forms, web enrolment (subjects) and subject withdrawal, graduation registration, and invoice details.
My Timetable (previously known as My Subject Activities) allows you to create and manage your own timetable easily. You can assign lecture and tutorial times according to your preferences. Each subject can have one or more activity groups, such as lectures, tutorials, seminars, lab sessions and workshops. This tool helps you stay organized and on top of your schedule.
Timetable Planner gives you an opportunity to see when classes will be running in the coming session and the chance to plan your studies in advance of enrolling in subjects.
Subject Delivery and Attendance
Most business subjects have weekly attendance, over 11 week study period. This includes 'Week One', which is designated for subject preparatory and induction activities. These activities may be conducted online or in person, or both. Other modes of teaching, such as block and distance learning, are also common and may have different scheduling and attendance requirements.
It is expected that all students log in to CANVAS, the UTS Learning Management System, in the week before a session starts. Students should consult the subject outlines and notices from the Subject Coordinators regarding the arrangements for any scheduled activities, preliminary reading, required tasks, etc., for week one.
It is essential to familiarise yourself with the UTS policies on academic integrity and misconduct, including the consequences of plagiarism and cheating.
It is the student's responsibility to attend and participate in tutorials, workshops and seminars, and carry out all assignment and examination work in every subject in which they are enrolled.