Below you can find a collection of links to forms, systems and apps that may help you during your course of study at UTS.
Downloadable forms are normally in pdf format, so you may need Adobe Acrobat Reader (opens an external site) or a similar programme to view these forms. Hard copies of all these forms are available from the UTS Student Centres.
Online forms that require payment of any associated administrative charges, can be paid using VISA Card or Mastercard.
For some of the below forms you may be required to submit certified supporting documentation.
- Start at UTS
- Application for Undergraduate Honours (except Business)
- Application for Undergraduate Honours in Business
- Application for Cross-Institutional Study
- Application for Non-Award Study
- Application for Recognition of prior learning
- Internal course transfer (continuing)
- Internal course transfer (graduating)
- My Student Admin
- My Timetable (previously known as My Subject Activities)
- Timetable Planner
- eRequest
- Concurrent study application
- Leave of absence application
- Course withdrawal application
- International students application to reduce study load
- E3F sanction: Request permission to re-enrol in a subject after three (or more) failures
- International student fee extension application
- Appeal prior to withdrawal of enrolment for unpaid fees
- Request for a copy of the Commonwealth Assistance Notice
- Application for remission of HELP debt / Refund of upfront payment and application for no academic penalty due to special circumstances
Student identity, details and documentation
Student identity and details
- Student identity card application for distance students
- Student identity card application for offshore students
- Application for a replacement student identity card
- Change of Student Details form
- Change of address form
- Declaration of residency for domestic students (for coursework students)
- Declaration of residency for an international student who has become a permanent resident (for coursework students)
- Declaration of residency for an international student who has become a temporary resident (for coursework students)
- Declaration of residency (for HDR students)
Student documentation
- Statement of enrolment
- Statement of academic record (transcript) application
- Request for statement of course completion
- Application for Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
- Request for correction to Australian Higher Education Graduation Statement (AHEGS)
- Application for a replacement testamur
- Testamur and document mailout fees
- UTS document mail out and proxy collection
Subject assessment
- Canvas
- Request for special consideration
- Record of academic advice (Academic caution/Early intervention)
- Special exams application
- Advice of scheduling difficulties for centrally-conducted exams
- Request a review of a result
- Appeal against exclusion form
- Students who are primary carers or students who are pregnant—learning and assessment arrangement
- Special conditions in exams for students from non-English speaking backgrounds
- Late Graduation Registration and Payment Application
- Late Graduation Registration: Defer or Not Attend