Your academic record, or academic transcript, is the official record of your final subject results achieved throughout your studies at UTS and can be requested at any time.
On this page:
Requesting your academic record (transcript) | What is included on your record | Understanding your academic record | Verifying your academic record with other institutions | More questions
All subjects attempted during your studies at UTS will appear on your official academic record (also known as your academic transcript). You can purchase a current academic transcript at any time during your studies. UTS will also provide you with a free copy of your academic record when you graduate from your course. By default, this will be a digital document via My eQuals. If you opt out of digital documents, your printed academic transcript will be available in the same sleeve with your hard copy testamur.
Requesting your academic record (transcript)
Current students can request an up-to-date transcript at any time. Graduates and alumni can order additional hard copies, or a digital version if you originally opted out of digital documents. An administrative charge is payable.
Current students
You can purchase a transcript at any time during your studies. It will include the final results of all completed subjects, and your currently enrolled subjects will show as ‘enrolled’. Your current course status will also be shown on the transcript.
If you have passed all the subjects in your current course and are awaiting conferral, your transcript will show that your course is ‘completed, yet to be conferred’. If you want evidence that you have completed the requirements of your studies, you may wish to request a Statement of Course Completion.
You can use the link below to purchase a digital transcript via My eQuals or a printed transcript to be mailed out or collected in person from the UTS Student Centre.
Graduates and past students
You can request a digital transcript via My eQuals or a printed transcript to be mailed out or collected in person at the UTS Student Centre.
If you studied at one of UTS’s antecedent organisations, your request will be investigated by the Student Records team, which may take additional time. For past students of Sydney College of the Arts, the records are spread over several institutions, so UTS may not have all records. If you would like to confirm the availability of your academic record, you can submit an Ask UTS enquiry.
If you would like to have your transcript sent directly to another institution: you can enter the address of the institution and add any specific packaging instructions into the free text field at the end of the transcript request form.
If you would like UTS to fill out any specific forms and include them with your transcript: First, submit an Ask UTS enquiry and attach the forms that you need signed by UTS (for example, professional accreditation forms). Then, submit your transcript request form and include the Ask UTS enquiry number and any other instructions in the free text field at the end.
Nursing graduates: There are special instructions for alumni applying for Overseas nursing registration.
What is included on your record
If you studied at UTS, or at an institution which amalgamated to form UTS, your transcript will include:
your legal name and UTS student number,
all course(s) studied at UTS and institutions which amalgamated to form UTS,
a complete listing of all subjects and subject numbers studied in each session, with grades awarded for each subject,
the numerical marks awarded for each subject (if requested and available),
credit points achieved for subjects studied from 1993 onwards,
recognition of prior learning or advanced standing which has been credited towards your course (if applicable)
your grade point average (GPA) (if applicable),
your weighted average mark (WAM) (if applicable),
the current status of each course (eg. active, withdrawn, completed, conferred),
the names of majors and submajors undertaken within the course,
records of exclusion or suspension due to academic progress or misconduct (if applicable),
prizes and awards you have gained at UTS (if applicable).
Understanding your academic record
History of UTS and antecedent organisations
The University of Technology, Sydney is constituted under the University of Technology Sydney Act 1989 (NSW) of the Legislature of New South Wales and was established on 26 January 1988 through the merger of the New South Wales Institute of Technology (NSWIT) and the School of Design of the Sydney College of the Arts (SCA).
The New South Wales Institute of Technology was originally established in 1963.
On 1 January 1990, the Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education (KCAE) and the Institute of Technical and Adult Teacher Education (ITATE) merged with the University of Technology, Sydney.
Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education (KCAE) was originally established in 1946 as the Balmain Teachers College, became the William Balmain College of Advanced Education in 1971 and Kuring-gai College of Advanced Education in 1974.
The Institute of Technical and Adult Teacher Education (ITATE) was one of five Institutes of the Sydney College of Advanced Education (SCAE) which was established in 1980.
Teaching periods
You can find a current list of teaching periods and access archives on the Academic year dates page.
Onshore teaching periods include:
Summer session (December - February),
Autumn semester (March - June),
March session,
May session,
July session,
Spring semester (August - November),
August session,
October session, and
December session.
Other teaching periods used for offshore courses include:
January to March semester,
March to May semester,
May to July semester,
July to September semester,
August to October semester,
October to December semester, and
December to February semester
Prior to 2007, the academic year consisted of four teaching periods:
Summer session (December - February),
Autumn semester (March - June),
Winter session (July), and
Spring semester (August - November).
Credit points and study load
Credit points were introduced from the commencement of the 1993 academic year, replacing 'semester hours' as a means of determining study load, assessment and progression within a course. Credit points apply to subjects in all courses (except Masters by Research and Doctoral Programs) and represent a measure of the student workload for a subject.
In some courses, professional experience and industrial training are not allocated credit points, although where they are a compulsory component of a course they must be completed satisfactorily before an award can be conferred.
One standard year of full-time study equates to 48 credit points, although recommended full-time programs for some years can vary between 44 and 52 credit points.
The minimum full-time load is 75% of the standard full-time load. You are considered to be a full-time student if you are studying a coursework degree and if your study load is equal to or greater than 36 credit points for a full academic year or equal to or greater than 18 credit points for a half year.
The duration of courses, subject and credit point requirements for course completion are specified in the UTS: Handbook.
Use of an asterisk (*)
An asterisk (*) at the end of a subject name indicates that the subject was ungraded, that is that the subject was graded as Pass/Fail only. The asterisk is used for subjects completed prior to 2004 only.
Signatures of the Vice Chancellor and President
The signature of the Vice-Chancellor and President was introduced to the academic record in mid-April 2023.
Since Autumn 2008, all students received a grade point average (GPA) calculation. On 14th January 2020, UTS introduced a 7.00 point GPA scale along with weighted average mark (WAM).
Learn more about Grade point average and weighted average mark.
Verifying your academic record with other institutions
Other institutions may want to verify your academic record with us to confirm that it is authentic and legitimate. There are a number of ways we can help.
Other tertiary institutions and educational organisations can request verification of your academic record from UTS, as long as they have your permission to do so. There is no charge for transcripts being requested directly from UTS by another tertiary institution.
We can't send your AHEGS or testamur directly to other institutions, but you can share them from My eQuals or use the Qualification Verification Service.
Other institutions can request your transcript by contacting us via post
We can send a copy of your transcript to another institution at no charge, if we receive the request directly from the institution. The request should be posted on official letterhead, along with a copy of your consent, to:
Student Records, Lifetime Learner Experience Unit
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
Other institutions can request your transcript by contacting us online
We can send a copy of your transcript to another institution at no charge, if we receive the request directly from the institution.
The requesting institution can submit the request online, along with a copy of your consent, via the public ASK UTS web form.
You can share your official digital transcript from My eQuals
You can share your documents online to third parties by using My eQuals to generate a link to the document on the My eQuals site. By sharing the document as a link, its verification remains intact. You can choose to share documents to certain email addresses and for limited periods of time.
Read more about using My eQuals.
Institutions can use our Qualification Verification Service
This service allows any institution to verify that you have graduated from your course at UTS. They can request confirmation that you have completed a certain course, or they can ask us to confirm that the documents you have provided are authentic.
Read more about the Qualification Verification Service.
Nursing graduates registering to practice overseas
If you completed a Bachelor of Nursing and want to register to practice overseas, please see Overseas nursing registration.
More questions
Can I get an unofficial copy of my academic record (transcript)?
Yes. To obtain an unofficial copy of your academic record (transcript), you will need to log in to My Student Admin, and complete the following steps:
- select the 'My Exams' menu
- select the 'My Results' menu
- select your course and continue to the next page
- from the 'Results Overview' page, select 'I want to...Email my complete academic record'.
Can I add or delete something from my academic record (transcript)?
It is not possible to modify your transcript in any way, including deleting failed subjects and discontinued courses or adding courses and subjects to years in which they were not studied.
If you receive an academic record that you believe is incorrect, contact your UTS Student Centre to discuss the issue.
If my grades are updated after I complete my course, can I get an updated transcript?
Yes. If your grades are updated or corrected after you have already completed your course, your transcript can be reissued to reflect the update at no cost.
Can I have my application fast-tracked?
Transcript requests will be processed in the order that they are received. Requests for a digital transcript are usually quicker to process than hard copy requests. Delays can sometimes occur at times of peak demand after results release.
If you are aiming to meet an upcoming deadline, you can contact the UTS Student Centre to confirm that your transcript request has been received and confirm the current wait times.
I am waiting to graduate. Can I get an academic record (transcript) showing that I've completed my course?
It is possible to request a transcript after you have been set to Passed but before your award has been conferred, in which your course status will show as ‘completed’ and 'yet to be conferred'.
You can also request a Statement of Course Completion.