How to get your new student ID card
All new students (including study abroad and international) should follow the ID Cards for new students process below. You can also watch our How to get your UTS Student ID Card video on YouTube.
Offshore students
Students commencing their degree offshore do not need an ID card until they arrive in Australia.
Your student ID card is important to your studies at UTS. You must obtain your student ID card before the last day to enrol or you are at risk of being withdrawn from your course. All enrolled students must have a current UTS student ID card and keep it with them at all times while on campus. It’s not only used to establish your identity (or even just to qualify for those student concession deals) but your card also enables you to access the UTS Library, facilities such as labs, and after-hours entry to buildings, utility services such as printing, and attend exams.
Your student ID card is valid for the period of your course enrolment. You must return your student ID card to the university if you take a leave of absence or withdraw from your UTS course.
ID Cards for new students
This process is for all new students, including:
- distance or online students students
- postgraduate students (including research students)
- study abroad students
- cross institutional students
- students living in UTS Housing
- students who previously studied at UTS, but are commencing a new course
If you require accessibility assistance due to your mobility or vision, please contact the Student Centre or Book an appointment and request assistance with taking a photo. You may also reach out to the UTS Accessibility Service for ongoing assistance.
You can also watch our How to get your UTS Student ID Card video on YouTube.
Step 1: You will need a photo of yourself
Have a read of our UTS photo ID requirements. Remember, the primary function of your student ID card is to be able to identify you. The photo requirements may seem strict, but nobody wants to be refused entry to their first exams because they don’t look like their photo.
Step 2: Upload your photograph via the CaptureME portal
- You can change the photo you upload right up until you click ‘submit’.
- Once submitted, the photo is sent to UTS for approval, and you will not be able to change it.
- Make sure you submit the most appropriate photo possible, because if your photo is rejected, it will slow down the time it takes for you to receive your UTS student ID card.
The CaptureME platform is only for new students. If you’re an existing student and use CaptureME, you will be liable for administrative charges, and a slower process in obtaining your new card.
Step 3: Check your UTS webmail for updates
After submitting your photo, you will receive an approval or rejection email via the same account.
- If you receive a rejection email, please submit a new photo that addresses the rejection criteria outlined within the email. Please don't resubmit the same photo.
- If your photo is approved, you will receive an email with information on how to collect your card.
Proof of identity is required when collecting your ID card. You will need to provide one of the following forms of ID:
- A valid passport
- A current Australian Driver's Licence
- Australian state or territory photo card
When you receive your card, please make sure to sign the back of it on the grey strip.
For more help, check out our FAQ section below.
Replacement ID cards for existing students
My ID Card has stopped working
Current students:
- If your ID card works some places and not others, this likely relates to your access permissions. You should speak to your faculty or supervisor, or contact the Student Centre if you're not sure who to talk to.
- If your ID card stops working altogether, make an appointment at the Student Centre for help.
Withdrawn or Leave of Absence students: your UTS ID card will become inactive if you withdraw from your degree or go on Leave of Absence.
Graduating students: Your ID card will become inactive a few weeks after you graduate. If you are interested in accessing the library after you graduate you can read more about UTS Alumni Library membership.
My ID card is lost, stolen or damaged
If your student ID card has been lost, stolen or damaged, you can request a replacement ID card. An administrative charge will be payable.
I’m trying to access CaptureME but it’s not working, what do I do?
- For CaptureME to work, you must be a new UTS student and be enrolled in at least one subject. You can check your enrolment details via My Student Admin.
- If you’re new to UTS and have only recently enrolled, be sure to wait at least 24 hours before logging in to CaptureME for the first time.
- Try opening CaptureME in a different browser, or clear your browser cache.
- CaptureME does not work in the Puffin browser, use a different browser. If you continue to get an error, try retyping in the URL.
My web cam is not registering?
On Windows 10 the CaptureME camera might not register automatically. To fix this you'll need to manually detect the camera:
- for Chrome browsers - visit their help section on camera and microphone use
- for all other browsers - go through the Start menu: Control Panel > Internet Options > Change security settings (medium-high works for most websites).
If you're still having issues, you can upload an existing photo taken on another device instead of using the web cam.
My photo was rejected, what do I do next?
In the case a photo is rejected, it’s likely your photo did not comply with the UTS CaptureME photo requirements – your rejection email will identify the reason. Before re-submitting your new photo, address the rejection criteria by making sure the photo meets the requirements as outlined in our UTS photo ID requirements.
I’ve been told my photo has been approved, when I can get my card?
When your photo is approved, you'll receive an email. It may take a week or two for your photo to be printed and ready. When it's ready, you'll receive a second email with information on how you will receive your card.
I’m enrolled on a part-time basis due to disability or health reasons, am I still eligible for a travel concession?
Yes, you are eligible for a travel concession, however, you will need to register with the UTS Accessibility service. If you are already registered with Accessibility, please contact your Accessibility consultant or make your request online through Access.
I’ve read through all of this but I’m still having problems...
If you’re still having problems with accessing CaptureME, contact the Student Centre for further assistance.
Student ID cards and access to secure areas
It’s through the student ID cards that students can gain access to secure areas. To access these areas, simply hold the card flush with the card reader until it beeps and flashes green to gain access to the restricted area. Your access is conditional upon having necessary access rights.
Allocation of student access
- All students are allocated access to areas related to their enrolled subjects as administered by faculty staff.
- Access to facilities is automatically updated every 24 hours.
- The subjects, or courses, a student is enrolled into determines the extent of access to facilities.
- Unless compromised, the ID card allocated remains the same as long as a student is registered with UTS.
- Access to facilities may be suspended for maintenance or refurbishment purposes.
- Access is restricted during mid and end of year breaks.
Access Conditions
- Students who are found propping doors open that would normally require security access will have their card suspended.
- Anyone found using a card not belonging to them will be escorted from university premises by UTS Security and access suspended.
- UTS Security has the authority to ask for the production of personal identification to confirm the identity of a card user and/or visitor to University premises.
- This Student ID card remains the property of UTS. It will be deactivated 30 days after the bearer of this card has completed their degree and must be surrendered to UTS Security upon request.
- You’ll also adhere to the conditions found on the back of your student ID card: "This card should be signed upon receipt. The bearer of this card should carry it at all times while they remain a current UTS student, and is governed by the terms and conditions of use set out at This card remains the property of UTS. It will be deactivated 30 days after the bearer of this card has completed his/her degree and must be surrendered to UTS Security upon request. If found, please return to UTS Security, PO Box 123, Broadway NSW 2007. "
Breaching of conditions may be reported for disciplinary actions.
Gender affirmation at UTS
UTS supports staff and students in affirming their gender identity.
UTS is committed to creating an inclusive culture where our staff and students feel they belong, can be themselves, and are provided with every opportunity to succeed. This includes our trans and gender diverse communities.
For further information on gender affirmation, please visit our Gender Affirmation at UTS page OR contact the UTS Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion on (02) 9514 1084 or
Student and related rules
UTS Information Technology Security Vice-Chancellor’s Directive
2.2.1 Student Identity Card