Ever wondered how to shift the mindset and attitude of Engineering and IT students?

An innovative Students as Partners (SaP) Program
Become a member
The introduction of CAREER Compass within the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) heralds a transformative shift in educational paradigms, with a focus on cultivating Collaborative, Agentic, Response-abled, Engaged, and Employment Ready.
CAREER graduates, aiming to bridge the gap between academic theory and practical work experiences, thereby empowering you to proactively navigate your educational journey towards professional readiness.
An ever-growing community for all students
At the heart of the CAREER Compass movement lies a vibrant community comprising CAREER Compass Champions (culture shift leaders), students, recent graduates, UTS alumni and industry partners collectively nurturing an environment of collaboration and inspiration as well as practical professional advice.
Your portfolio shows social and professional growth
Regular social gatherings and discussions centred on CAREER Compass-related themes, including the individual personal/professional Portfolio and reflection prompts featuring guest speakers from alumni and industry, serve to foster a sense of belonging and engagement within the community.
I came for the pizza and stayed for the portfolio!
2024 CAREER Compass member
at an iHUB meetup
The envisioned outcome by 2027 is for all FEIT students to curate their individual CAREER Compass Portfolios, showcasing their evolution into well-rounded, job-ready professionals poised for success in the workforce at every year level.
- Join the CAREER Compass Portfolio and Community meetups and have fun while growing your professional identity as a professional engineer or IT professional.
- Meet at a sausage sizzle or in the iHub three times every semester and grow your personal vision within the company of others.