The following Review subjects provide Master of Professional Engineering and Graduate Certificate in Engineering Studies students with an opportunity to refresh or deepen their knowledge in a particular area relevant to their course by undertaking an undergraduate or postgraduate subject offered by the Faculty.
The Review subject(s) will be substituted on your Study Plan with the actual subject(s) you intend to undertake.
Please note that you must take a Review subject in your first session of enrolment in the course.
Enrolment procedure
1. Contact the relevant School Academic Officer for your major to arrange a meeting with the Review Subject Coordinator:
- Biomedical Engineering:
- Civil Engineering:
- Cyber Security:
- Electrical Energy Systems:
- Mechanical Engineering:
- Robotics:
- Telecommunications and Electronics:
2. Complete the Review Subject Enrolment Form (link below) and bring it to the meeting with the Review Subject Coordinator, together with your undergraduate academic transcript. The meeting provides an opportunity to receive academic advice on the subject(s) you intend to take. You should only consider 'substitute' subjects that are related to your major (refer to the Handbook).
3. Submit an eRequest.
- Attach a scanned copy of your signed Review Subject Enrolment Form to the eRequest. Incomplete documentation cannot be accepted.
- The form should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than the Friday of Week 1 of the session in which you wish to enrol.
Important note: Where changes are made to the Review Subject Enrolment Form after you have enrolled, it is your responsibility to submit a revised form (signed by all parties). If you fail to do so, you will not be able to sit centrally conducted exams for your Review subject and your results will not be correctly recorded at the end of the session.