Steps required of Student:
- Login to CareerHub (using your usual UTS username and password)
- Select Dashboard (on top bar)
- Select ‘FEIT Placement Workflow’ (on left-hand sidebar)
- Follow the workflow reading each step’s instructions carefully
- Once you have received an approval email from the faculty you can start your position on the agreed start date.
- Don’t forget! Once you finish your placement hours, you must log back into your workflow and submit your ‘Student Evaluation Form’ or your results will be delayed.
Important: You must have your placement recorded and approved by the faculty one week prior to your placement start date.
Steps required of Employer:
- Once the student has submitted the ‘Placement Summary Form’ through their workflow, CareerHub will email the ‘Placement Summary Form’ to their workplace supervisor for review and approval.
- After the student has submitted the ‘Student Evaluation Form’, CareerHub will email the supervisor with a link to the ‘Employer Evaluation Form’ for completion.