Answers to questions we're often asked about WorkSpace
How do I navigate to OneDrive?
When saving published apps, you have the option to save files on the host C drive or OneDrive. It is highly recommended that you use OneDrive.
Depending on the application, you will need to navigate to OneDrive in a couple of ways.
- For most applications, OneDrive can be accessed under “desktop” on the file system pop-ups that appear when you save or open a document:
- Some will require you to access OneDrive through the side navigation panel:
- Some programs will require you to navigate to OneDrive through the C Drive. Follow this file path: C:Users”SID Number”OneDrive - UTS
If you can’t find OneDrive though any of these methods then you will need to ensure that you are signed-in (see below).
I don’t get an option to sign into OneDrive?
If you haven’t been prompted to sign into OneDrive and you can find it in the file system on your workspace, you can follow these steps to reset the prompt:
- Note below; you would usually see a OneDrive folder:
- If you can’t find OneDrive, go to the Citrix icon in your application tray:
- Right- click it and select connection Centre:
- Once in the connection centre, select the highlighted folder and click log off. This will log you off the remote device. Once you launch the app again, you will be prompted to log into OneDrive.
- If OneDrive appears in the connection centre, you can sign in by clicking on it:
You can use this fix if a program crashes or if you lose connection to OneDrive at any time.
What do these pop-ups mean?
Upon Launch some applications, you might see a pop-up message. They can largely be ignored.
ANSYS Electronics Desktop
You can ignore this message. Click OK and the pop up will not appear next time you launch ANSYS Electronics Desktop

You can ignore this message. Click OK and the pop up will not appear next time you launch Microstran

Plant Simulation 16
Click no on this pop-up. It shouldn’t appear next time you launch Plant Simulation

You can ignore this. It will resolve next time you launch the application.

Why won’t my file system changes take effect?
When using the file system on workspace, it may seem like you aren’t able to create or delete folders:
- If you create a new folder it will not instantly appear:
- You will need to press F5 on your keyboard or click on the refresh button to see the new change:
Why is OneDrive saying I have deleted a file?
Upon closing certain apps (e.g. GeoStudio), you will see the following pop-up:

The message will appear for one of two reasons:
- The standard reason is that you deleted something from your device which was synced to OneDrive.
- It occurs when you make a change to OneDrive on workspace, such as overwriting a save file. The reason the pop-up appears is due to changes to OneDrive which hadn’t been synced to the client device. OneDrive interprets this as an item being deleted. If this is the case you can ignore the pop-up.