Some software packages are available for students to download at no charge or heavily discounted prices.
Explore available software
Click on the package's name below to be directed to the software vendor's download page.
package and/or vendor | Description |
Anaconda | Python data science and machine learning |
Arduino IDE | Open-source Arduino development environment |
Autodesk | |
Bentley | |
BlueJ (Java is part of the download) | Development environment that allows you to develop Java programs quickly and easily |
CAMEL | Air conditioning load estimation |
Eclipse | Leading Java IDE with a wealth of extensions for different functionality and support for other languages |
Eclipse + CDT | C++ IDE built using Eclipse as a backbone |
GitHub | UTS students get access to GitHub Pro and the GitHub Student Developer Pack which includes software and services worth over $1000 |
HyperWorks (Altair) | CAE program |
MATLAB (MathWorks) | MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment. MATLAB is available through WorkSpace and it may also be downloaded. UTS students can create a MathWorks account associated with their email to download at no charge, MATLAB Simulink and all toolboxes. Use the following link for more information and to register for an account. |
Microsoft Imagine | Freely available Microsoft software for education purposes for (UTS student login required) |
MinGW | Set of packages for Windows that mimic certain UNIX-style behaviour and, in particular, include a port of the GNU C++ compiler |
NetBeans (Apache) | Java IDE with inbuilt support for JavaFX |
Node.js | JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine |
NPM | Node Package Manager |
Office 365 (Microsoft) | |
Perl | Family of programming languages |
Portunus (Adapted Solutions) | System simulation software |
PyCharm | Python IDE |
Python | High-level general-purpose programming language |
R | Statistical computing and graphics |
Rattle | Graphical user interface for data mining using R |
RStudio | Integrated tools for using R |
SolidWorks | Solid modelling CAD and CAE program that runs on MS Windows |
Unity Game Engine | Multi-platform and multipurpose game engine that supports 2D and 3D graphics, drag-and-drop functionality and scripting using C#. It is used by a large percentage of the games development industry, especially within the indie and mobile markets. |
Vensim PLE (Ventana Systems) | Industrial strength simulation software for improving the performance of real systems |
Visual Studio (Microsoft) | |
VMware |