Before you start your subject enrolment, you should check the handbook for your course completion requirements.
Check the handbook from the year you commenced your current course. If you commenced in 2024 and earlier, use the Handbook archive. If you commenced in 2025 and later, use the UTS Handbook.
To learn how these handbooks differ, check the Handbook guide.
As a UTS student, you are responsible for self-managing your continued enrolment in your course. Make sure that you regularly check that your personal and contact details are up to date on My Student Admin, and that your study plan is correct.
Study plan
Every student has a study plan in My Student Admin (MSA) that helps you enrol in the right subjects at the right time.
Your study plan is a map of what you need to do to complete your course at UTS. It is based on your course completion requirements and course structure outlined in the UTS Handbook (2025 and later) and the Handbook archive (2024 and earlier).
Your study plan is displayed in My Student Admin and shows the subjects that you:
- have completed (passed, exempt and credited),
- are currently studying (enrolled), and
- still need to enrol in (planned).
It also shows the majors or sub-majors that you are hoping to complete.
The subjects on your study plan may be grouped in named sub-structures.
There are three types of sub-structures:
- choice blocks
- streams
- majors and sub majors
Compulsory subjects from any sub-structure will appear as core subjects on your My Student Admin study plan. Subjects in option lists don’t appear straight away, instead you will see an options row with a credit point value. This means that you may choose subjects up to the indicated credit point value according to the course rules set out in the UTS Handbook, or Handbook archive.
Each sub-structure has a unique code that you can find in the UTS Handbook or the Handbook archive. These codes may appear in different places, so visit the Handbook guide to learn where to find them, depending on which handbook you are using.
Choice blocks provide the option to choose one or more subjects or sub-structures from a list which may include an options list or electives.
Majors and sub majors are groups of subjects that once completed make you eligible to have that major or sub-major noted on your transcript.
Streams group together compulsory subjects and any associated option choices as a single entity eg. practicum subjects.
Subject activities are the classes or activities you need to do to complete a subject. A subject may consist of one or more activity groups (types) such as a:
- lecture
- tutorial
- seminar
- drop in
- lab session
- workshop.
Once you have enrolled in subjects via My Student Admin, you can choose your subject activities for your subjects in My Timetable (previously called My Subject Activities).
Study package status
In My Student Admin you can see a status against your course and subjects:
Offered (course): Student has been offered but has not yet accepted offer.
Admitted (course): Student has accepted offer and can enrol in subjects.
Planned (subject): Subjects planned for the course of study. Planned core subjects cannot be changed but planned option subjects may be changed.
Approved (sub-structure): Owning faculty has approved the addition of sub-structure.
Enrolled (subject): Student has enrolled in subject for a specific year and study period and no result has yet been recorded for the subject.
Exempt (subject): Student has been granted exemption from studying the subject.
Credited (subject): Subject completed within another course at UTS and credit granted.
Passed (course or subject): Successfully completed the requirements of course / subject.
Failed (subject): Student did not meet requirements to complete subject.
Withdrawn (course): Withdrawn from an admitted status course.
Subject Materials
When you enrol in a subject, there are a number of supporting documents and materials which may assist you in the successful completion of your subject.
Subject information (previously Subject outlines)
Once you are enrolled in a subject, you can access your subject information via your Canvas subject site from one week before the start of session. It will provide you with detailed information about assessment tasks, reading lists, and other information to support you in your subject.
For subjects that ran in 2024 and earlier, this information was published via the Subject Outline, a PDF in your Canvas subject site. Subject Outlines have been replaced by subject information.
Each session, for each subject you take, you should save a copy of your subject information by clicking the Print Subject Information button in the top right corner of the screen. You retain access to old subject sites as long as you are a student at UTS, so you can download a copy of your subject information, or Subject Outlines from 2024 and earlier, even after you have completed the subject.
You can find general information about your subjects in the UTS Handbook. You can navigate to your subject pages using the search, or via your course page by expanding the course structure.
Textbooks and Subject Notes
From 2025, textbooks and required readings will be available in your Canvas subject sites under Reading Lists.
- Check your Canvas subject sites for Reading Lists. These lists are made by your teaching staff and contain relevant, course-specific resources from the Library collection and other sources. Some publisher restrictions may impact how many students can access a textbook at once, contact the Library via chat for assistance.
- Textbooks may be available second-hand from suppliers such as VitalSource (for digital versions) or Booktopia (for print copies).
- You may be able to purchase subject notes from UTS Activate outlets.
- Check if your subject textbooks are available through the UTS Library catalogue. Some publisher restrictions may impact how many students can access a textbook at once, contact the Library via chat for assistance.
You may also be eligible for grants or loans through the Financial Assistance Program.