Trying to manage your enrolment and have a question or experiencing a technical issue? Take a look at the FAQs below.
How can I get confirmation of my enrolment?
Once you have completed your enrolment, you can request enrolment confirmation via email from My Student Admin. If you require formal confirmation of your current enrolment you can request a statement of enrolment.
Do I need to attend classes in week one?
Week one activities may be on campus or online. Check your subject outlines via Canvas for more details about week one activities.
Do I have to enrol in subjects in the Summer session?
While you should be enrolling in both Autumn and Spring sessions, enrolling in the Summer session is optional. If you do choose to enrol in the Summer session, you can enrol in a maximum of 24 credit points.
For more information, see Summer enrolment.
What do I do if I've applied for a Course Transfer?
You should re-enrol in subjects for your current course. If your application is successful, you can vary your enrolment after you’re admitted to your new course.
Enrolling in subjects
Which subjects should I enrol in?
Look at the study plan for your in the UTS handbook if you commenced in 2025 or later, or use the course program in the handbook archive if you commenced in 2024 or earlier. You must use the study plan or course program from the year you started your course.
When choosing your subjects consider the:
- course structure
- recommended sequence (study plan or course program)
- completion requirements
Can I get subject pre-requisites waived?
No. This is so you’ll have the knowledge and skills to meet the academic demands of the subject.
Can I change the subjects I’m enrolled in?
You can make changes to your subject enrolment before last day to enrol for the current session.
If you need to withdraw from a subject, make sure you do this before the census date. This will help you avoid an academic or financial penalty.
Find out more about enrolment changes.
How can I change my major, sub-major or stream?
Some UTS courses are more flexible and allow you to specialise in different areas of study (majors and/or sub-majors). When choosing your major or sub-major consider your options before you save. To request a change of your study plan structure, you may be required to submit an eRequest.
How can I search for a subject to add on to my elective choice block?
If your course allows for a free choice of electives, you may choose any subject at the same level offered by UTS.
This means that if you’re studying a:
- bachelor’s degree - you’ll need to choose an undergraduate subject
- master’s degree - you’ll need to choose a postgraduate subject
You can search the UTS Handbook and UTS Timetable Planner for subject options. To learn how to search and use filters on the UTS Handbook, visit the Handbook guide.
Can I enrol in more than the standard full-time load of subjects per session?
Full-time and international students typically have a study load of 24 credit points a session. Part-time students have a reduced session load. Undertaking more than 30 credit points a session is not normally permitted. Individual faculty conditions will apply.
What if the subject I want to enrol in is full?
It’s a good idea to regularly monitor My Student Admin as spaces may become available as other students change their enrolment.
If the full subject is a core subject that’s part of your recommended study sequence, submit an eRequest.
eRequests for enrolment into full elective subjects are likely to be declined if other elective subjects are available.
How can I enrol in a subject offered by another faculty as an elective?
If you’d like to enrol in a subject offered by another faculty as an elective, you can apply by submitting an eRequest. Please check cross faculty enrolment dates.
How can I enrol in a language subject?
If you’re not an International Studies student and wish to take a language as a credited sub-major or elective, you need to get permission to enrol via an eRequest.
Please ensure you complete the language level assessment survey. For more information see enrolment procedures for language and culture subjects.
I have a sanction on my academic record preventing me from enrolling. What do I do?
Find more about sanctions and how to resolve them.
Timetable and class allocation
When is the UTS timetable published?
The UTS Timetable and allocation into subject activities open in accordance with the UTS principal dates.
Enrolment in subjects and class allocation/timetabling dates are different. Enrolment in subjects for the following year opens in October, while class allocation/timetabling opens separately for the first and second half of the year.
What if I have a class timetable clash?
Not following the suggested sequence for your course is the usual reason for timetable clashes.
If you have a clash, you’ll need to choose another subject that doesn’t clash. Please check the handbook for other subject options.
If you still can’t enrol in a subject or allocate a class, submit an eRequest.
I have enrolled in my subjects but can’t see them in myTimetable?
Your enrolment data could be caught in a data traffic jam! If you just enrolled in subjects, or just changed your enrolment, you might have to wait up to 10 minutes to see your changes reflected in myTimetable. This problem is rare, but does happen when thousands of students are allocating themselves to classes at the same time.
Technical issues
Enrolment systems aren’t working on my Mac, iPhone or iPad. What do I do?
Some Mac, iPhone and iPad users have reported difficulty enrolling. If you’re having problems enrolling with one of these devices, try switching browsers or devices. If you’re still having a problem, contact IT Support.
I’ve forgotten my password for My Student Admin. Help!
You can reset your password yourself.
I can’t see my subject information in Canvas. When will it be available?
Subject information only become available in Canvas:
- once you’ve enrolled in a subject and
- from the commencement of orientation and session start.
Subject information (previously known as Subject Outlines) can be found in the menu on your Canvas subject sites.
You still have access to the Canvas subject sites for all the subjects you have taken during your time at UTS and you can retrieve a copy of your subject information for session from 2025, or Subject Outlines from sessions run in 2024 and earlier.