We are proud to be located within floors 14 to 16 of the UTS Central building (Building 2). Here you will find a range of student and teaching spaces, including our moot court and trial courts, exclusive law student lounge as well as the Faculty's reception and academic offices.

[Speaker: Georgia Dixon, Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Laws, University of Technology Sydney]
The Law faculty has recently moved from Haymarket campus to the Broadway area. It's a brand new building that's very high tech and there's lots of great places to study.
The Moot Court is used for all of our Mooting competitions at UTS, which is like a mock trial. It's like what you see in movies, it's the fake court scenes and researching cases in the past. There's televisions all around the room, everyone can be mic'd up and we can even do video links to people in other locations. These days a lot of video links are happening between states, or even internationally, and with cameras in these rooms, we can do exactly that.
There are also student breakout rooms, which are the best place to go and study, you can sit around a table with a group,and have a study group all studying together, or there are individual tables where you can have some time to yourself.
We also have a really nice new Winter Garden, so you can study outside as well.
The Trial Courts are very similar to the Moot Court, just a smaller version with a few different setups where you can also have a witness at the front and room for other people to give expert evidence.
If you do a UTS faculty moot you can use the preparation room. It's got special swipe card access and you can go in there and have some quiet time to prepare on a moot, practice your orals, or write your written submissions.
Student reception is where you can go and ask any questions if you're having some issues or contact a staff member. If you have to hand in a hard copy of an assignment, student reception is where you'd go.
One of the best parts about being at UTS Central is it's the same building as the library and the Reading Room.
There's lots of wonderful facilities that are all very high tech and a great place to be continuing my studies.
Faculty of Law Contact Details
Level 16 (CB02.016)
Building 2, 61 Broadway
Ultimo, Sydney, NSW 2007
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
Email: law.studentreception@uts.edu.au.
Please refer to the Faculty of Law staff listing for individual staff contact details.
Student Centre
The Student Centre provide information and advice to students.
Students studying within the Faculty of Law can now submit enquiries through the Student Centre in Building 10.
Building 10 - Broadway
Level 2, 235 Jones Street
Ultimo, NSW 2007
ph: 1300 275 887
Visit the Student Centre webpage for exact extended hours.
UTS Law Guide to Written Communication
Do you want to maximise your marks for written work? Then please read the UTS Law Guide to Written Communication. It contains advice and essential information including examples, and material on referencing and assessments. You'll also find the UTS Law resource for English Language extremely useful!
Addressing Judicial Officers Correctly
If you’re dreaming of a glorious legal future, the last thing you want to do is stride confidently to the bar table in the Supreme Court and incorrectly address the judge. Never fear, here at the Faculty of Law we've broken down the basics – you’ll be rocking that legal networking night in no time at all! Read the full guide to addressing judicial officers.