If you’re a first year Bachelor of Communication student in either a single or combined degree (except Law), you must select another area of study in addition to your principal major. This is referred to as your ‘second major stream’.
You’ll enrol and undertake three subjects (18 credit points) of your second major stream (excluding Media Arts and Production). You will automatically continue in your second major unless you choose to opt out.
If you choose not to proceed with a second major, you can apply via e-request to add elective subjects. This should be done by the end of your first year.
Pre-2022 Courses
If you commenced your course before 2022, you will no longer need to meet any GPA or credit point requirements to choose a second major.
Only students who have completed fewer than 96 credit points will be eligible to add a second major to their course.
Please be advised that if a second major is added after having completed more than 48 credit points, your course duration may be extended due to subject pre-requisites and availabilities.
To add a second major, you can apply via e-request.
Any students who have completed 96 credit points and over, or are commencing their final year, will not be eligible and should finish their course accordingly.
Please be advised: students who commenced before 2022 will not be able to choose Media Arts and Production or Media Business as a second major.
Application process
If you would like to opt out of continuing your second major, send an e-request to the Student Centre and ask for for the elective subjects to be added to your study plan.
Frequently asked questions
How do I submit an e-request?
Online enquiries and e-requests can be submitted via Ask UTS
I don’t like the second major stream I’m in and don’t want to continue on with it. What should I do?
All students are required to complete their second major stream which is composed of three subjects from another major (excluding Media Arts and Production).
If you have already completed some subjects in the second major stream but would you like to change the stream, you can request this via an eRequest.
Changing your second major stream (depending on the stage that you are at with your subject selection) may prolong your course duration due to progression and subject availability.
Once you have completed your second major stream, you do not have to continue in your second major if you don’t want to. You will be able to continue your degree with elective subjects instead.
Your enrolment will default to the second major stream as per the Handbook, so you will need to submit an eRequest to add the electives.
- Changing your second major stream before Census Date:
If you’ve chosen your second major stream and you want to withdraw from your first subject before the census date, then you can be approved to change your second major.
Please send an e-request to the Student Centre with your change of second major stream.
If you withdraw prior to the last date to enrol/add a subject for the session, you can change your second major stream and still enrol in the first subject of your new choice of second major.
- Changing your second major stream after Census Date:
- It is not recommended that you change your second major after census date. However, if you still wish to do so, please send an e-request seeking approval from the Head of School.
- You won’t be able to enrol in the first subject of your new second stream as it will be past the last date to enrol/add a subject for the session, and it will be post census date.
- If you withdraw from a subject post census date, you will incur both an academic and financial penalty for the subject.
- Changing your second major stream that you haven’t commenced yet:
- As per the recommended programme of study, all students should have commenced their second major stream subjects in their first session of study.
- If you delay commencing your second major stream and choose to apply to continue on with your second major at a later date, you may end up with an increased course duration.
- If you haven’t started your second major stream and you wish to make a change, please send an e-request to the Student Centre
- Completed one subject in your second major and you’ve decided you don’t want to proceed with it:
- If you’ve started your second major stream and completed one subject in that stream, then you are unable to change your second major stream.
- If you wish to make a case to override this rule, please lodge an e-request with a justification for changing and requesting approval from the School of Communication.
I have credit exemptions on my study plan. Does this information apply to me?
Yes. This information applies to you if you decide to study part-time in Autumn or Spring session.
However, it is recommended that all students enrol in a full-time load so that they don’t run into subject progression issues later in their course. Students are advised to enrol in the typical program for their course as outlined in the Online Handbook.
I’m not enrolled in a full-time load for Autumn or Spring session. Does this information apply to me?
Yes. This information applies to you if you decide to study part-time in Autumn or Spring session. However, it is recommended that all students enrol in a full-time load so that they don’t run into subject progression issues later in their course. Students are advised to enrol in the typical program for their course as outlined in the Online Handbook.
I’m studying a combined degree. Does this information apply to me?
Yes. The same process applies if your combined degree is:
- The Bachelor of International Studies/Bachelor of International Studies,
or; - The Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation.
However, please note that this information is not valid if you’re studying the combined Bachelor of Laws.