On this page
13.1 Application of these Rules | 13.2 Completion of requirements | 13.3 Eligibility to graduate | 13.4 Conferral of award | 13.5 Rescission of award | 13.6 Award nomenclature | 13.7 Level of award — classification and grading | 13.8 University Medal | 13.9 Testamurs | 13.10 Academic dress
13.1 Application of these Rules
This section of the Rules applies to all those who are considered eligible to receive an academic award of the University.
13.2 Completion of requirements
13.2.1 Coursework
(1) Coursework students must have:
(a) been enrolled in a course that leads to the award;
(b) completed the educational and other approved requirements of the course as set out in official publications of the University in the year in which they commenced study in that course unless other requirements have been approved by the relevant Responsible Academic Officer in accordance with Rule 3.6.2; and
(c) satisfied the requirements of the Admissions and Recognition of Prior Learning Policy in relation to the limit of approved credit where credit has been recognised.
(2) Upon advice of the Director, Student Administration, the relevant Chair of Faculty Board, acting on behalf of the Faculty Board, shall confirm that those coursework students who have satisfied the approved course requirements have completed the course, and shall notify Academic Board of the names of all such coursework students and recommend to Academic Board that those coursework students are eligible to graduate, in accordance with the Statement of Assurance — Conferral of Awards (PDF).
(3) Where, as a result of death or permanent incapacity, a student fails to complete the course requirements, but has completed a substantial proportion of them, the relevant Faculty Board may recommend to Academic Board that the student be deemed to have completed requirements of a course and that an award be conferred. Such a recommendation would normally be made within two years of the student’s last enrolled teaching period and must be supported by relevant documentary evidence.
13.2.2 Graduate research
(1) Graduate research students must have:
(a) been enrolled in the course that leads to the award; and
(b) completed satisfactorily the educational, research and other requirements as approved for the student.
(2) The Graduate Research School Board shall determine those students who have completed the course requirements.
(3) The Chair of Graduate Research School Board, acting on behalf of Graduate Research School Board, shall recommend to Academic Board, upon advice of the Director, Student Administration, that the process outlined in the Statement of Assurance — Conferral of Awards (PDF) has been followed, and the resulting graduate research students who have satisfactorily completed course requirements in accordance with Rule 13.2.2(1) and (2) are considered eligible to graduate.
(4) Where, as a result of death or permanent incapacity, a student fails to complete the course requirements, but has completed a substantial proportion of them, upon recommendation from the relevant Faculty Board, the Higher Degree Research Committee may recommend to Academic Board that the student be deemed to have completed requirements of a course and that an award be conferred. Such a recommendation would normally be made within two years of the student’s last enrolled teaching period and must be supported by relevant documentary evidence. Such evidence may include the completion of research work, papers and publications, literature reviews, or other tangible research related activities.
13.3 Eligibility to graduate
13.3.1 The Director, Student Administration shall provide advice to the relevant Chair of Faculty Board, acting on behalf of the Faculty Board, for recommending to Academic Board, that the process outlined in the Statement of Assurance — Conferral of Awards (PDF) has been followed, and the resulting coursework students who have satisfactorily completed course requirements in accordance with Rule 13.2.1 and are considered eligible to graduate.
13.3.2 Upon advice of the Director, Student Administration, the Chair of Graduate Research School Board, acting on behalf of Graduate Research School Board, shall recommend to Academic Board the conferral of awards upon those graduate research students who have satisfactorily completed course requirements in accordance with Rule 13.2.2 and are considered eligible to graduate.
13.3.3 Notwithstanding Rule 13.3.1 and 13.3.2, the Provost (or nominee) may determine that a student who has completed course requirements in accordance with Rule 13.2 is not eligible to graduate in particular circumstances including but not limited to:
(1) where proceedings relevant to the student are pending or have commenced in accordance with the provisions of Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals); or
(2) where the student has not discharged all of his or her financial obligations to the University; or
(3) where the student has not returned all borrowed library books or University equipment and materials.
13.4 Conferral of award
13.4.1 Degree, Diploma and other award courses of the University are conferred by a resolution of Academic Board.
13.4.2 Degree awards, and any Diploma awards undertaken in conjunction with degree awards, may be presented at a University graduation ceremony. Graduate Certificate, Undergraduate Certificate and all other awards may be presented at a faculty ceremony.
13.4.3 An award of the University may be conferred posthumously.
13.5 Rescission of award
13.5.1 In exceptional circumstances, Academic Board may rescind the conferral of an award, including but not limited to situations where:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) has determined that rescission of an award is an appropriate penalty as set out in Rule 16.3.1(1); or
(2) significant fraudulent or deceitful activities have been identified and proven subsequent to the conferral of the award and which, had they been known at the time of conferral of the award, would have led to a decision not to confer the award; or
(3) administrative error has resulted in incorrect conferral of an award; or
(4) the student has not discharged all of his or her financial obligations to the University incurred during his or her period of enrolment.
13.5.2 Where Rule 13.5.1(1) applies:
(1) no action will be taken to implement the Vice-Chancellor’s (or nominee) decision until such time as any appeal against that decision has been considered as provided for in accordance with Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals) or until the time limit for lodgement of such an appeal has expired;
(2) the Director, Governance Support Unit will notify Academic Board and Council of the decision to rescind the award if no appeal is lodged or the original decision of the Vice-Chancellor (or nominee) to rescind the award is upheld;
(3) the Director, Governance Support Unit will provide written notice of the decision and reasons for the decision to the award recipient.
13.5.3 Where Rule 13.5.1(2) applies:
(1) the Vice-Chancellor will establish a panel with an appropriate membership:
(a) to investigate the alleged or suspected fraudulent or deceitful activities;
(b) to provide a report to the Vice-Chancellor which includes recommendations as to any further action including but not limited to whether:
(i) the matter relates to individual misconduct as provided for in Section 16 (Student misconduct and appeals) and, if so, any further action should proceed under the terms of those Rules;
(ii) the matter relates to other circumstances in which case any further action will be determined as relevant to the circumstances.
(2) the Vice-Chancellor will provide written notice to the award recipient of any decision to take further action and will provide appropriate opportunities for the award recipient to address the issues involved and to make a submission to the Vice-Chancellor on the matter prior to any final decision being taken on the status of the award;
(3) the Director, Governance Support Unit will inform the award recipient of the outcome of the Vice-Chancellor’s decision.
13.5.4 Where Rule 13.5.1(3) applies:
(1) the award recipient will be advised of the proposed corrective action and any relevant consequences and will be given the opportunity to comment on these prior to rescission of an award under Rule 13.5.4(2);
(2) the Provost may rescind an award where an administrative error has occurred and must provide a report to Council via Academic Board every half year on awards rescinded.
13.5.5 The Director, Governance Support Unit may provide information on a decision to rescind an award and reasons for the decision to any other person who has a legitimate reason for having access to such information and in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy.
13.6 Award nomenclature
13.6.1 Award nomenclature including abbreviations shall be in accordance with the Award Course Nomenclature and lssuance Policy, as approved by the University and published in official University publications.
13.6.2 Graduates are entitled to use the official award nomenclature once the award has been conferred by Council.
13.7 Level of award — classification and grading
13.7.1 Subject to the provisions of Rules 13.7.2 and 13.7.3, the relevant Faculty Board shall recommend to Academic Board the classification and grading of the award, if any, to be conferred upon individual students.
13.7.2 The level of award recommended for individual students shall be determined by the relevant Faculty Board in accordance with guidelines approved by Academic Board from time to time.
13.7.3 The classification and grading of awards for each course shall be in accordance with the following provisions:
1) For a Doctoral degree, the award shall not be classified.
2) For a Masters degree (Research), the award shall not be classified.
3) For a Masters degree (Coursework or Extended) the award may be classified as:
(a) Masters degree with Distinction; or
(b) Masters degree.
4) For a Bachelor Honours degree the award shall be classified as:
(a) Bachelor Honours degree with First Class Honours; or
(b) Bachelor Honours degree with Second Class Honours, which may be graded into Division 1 and Division 2 in those faculties that require such grading; or
(c) Bachelor Honours degree with Third Class Honours, which may be awarded in those faculties that require such grading.
5) For a Bachelor degree, the award may be classified as:
(a) Bachelor degree with Distinction; or
(b) Bachelor degree with Credit; or
(c) Bachelor degree.
6) For an Undergraduate Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Associate Degree, Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, the award shall not be classified.
13.8 University Medal
13.8.1 A University Medal may be awarded, in accordance with the guidelines approved by Academic Board from time to time, to a graduating student who is considered by the relevant Faculty Board to have demonstrated exceptional merit.
13.9 Testamurs
13.9.1 A testamur is an official University certification document that confirms a qualification has been awarded to an individual.
13.9.2 A testamur is a legal document issued under the seal of the University and is issued in original form only once for each specific award conferred.
13.9.3 A replacement testamur may be requested by a graduate and issued upon approval in accordance with procedures prescribed by the Director, Student Administration. The replacement testamur will bear a statement of replacement including date of re-issue.
13.10 Academic dress
13.10.1 Academic dress is prescribed by the Provost for each degree award of the University, with the exception of Graduate Certificates. Academic dress is not prescribed for any other awards.
13.10.2 Graduates who attend graduation ceremonies are required to wear the academic dress of the degree that is appropriate to the level of award obtained.
13.10.3 Graduates of the University are entitled to wear the academic dress, appropriate to the level of award obtained, at appropriate formal occasions.
13.10.4 The University Secretary may approve the use of the University’s academic dress, by those yet to have awards formally conferred, at appropriate formal occasions or other official University events.